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Olympics Announcement

Speckled Frost

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Edited from the BBC News....


"News of London's victory delighted flag-waving supporters who had gathered in Trafalgar Square and Stratford in the East End of London, where the new Olympic park will be built...


...But raindrops began falling on disappointed Parisians outside the Hotel de Ville in the French capital shortly after the result".


What a beautiful moment, I would have loved to have seen that as it happened, its just so poetic!!

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London has hosted the Olympics twice before, in 1908 and 1948. For both, the Olympic movement was grateful to London for filling in when other candidates were thin on the ground, a debt London hopes the International Olympic committee will make good for 2012.


In 1908 London came to the rescue when Rome dropped out following a serious eruption of its nearby volcano, Mount Vesuvius, while the 1948 games were the first after the ravages of the Second World War when many other cities were devastated.


64 years to get the games again. Enjoy it because we might not be around to see another one in the UK at that rate!



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A man arrived home from work last night and proudly announced to his wife that, to celebrate London being given the nod for the 2012 games, he’d bought a packet of Olympic Condoms.

“Olympic condoms?” She asked, “What are they?”

“There’s a gold one, a silver one and a bronze one!” He explained

“And which one are you planning to use tonight?” she asked sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes.

“The gold, of course,” he answered. “That’s the one for champions, isn’t it? Why bother asking?”

“Oh… I just thought you might try the silver,” she said “It would make a nice change if you didn’t come first for once!”

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