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BBC reporting of TT rider's death

Max Power

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The BBC have come under fire for their reporting of the injuries suffered by a TT rider on their news site. They have now taken down the offending words but raised a debate with David Cretney asking if such details should be allowed when reporting on inquests etc.


Manx Radio give very little information by comparison,



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The original article, on teletext read...


"A motorbike racer was decapitated when his front tyre burst and caused a high-speed crash during practice for the TT races, an inquest has heard.

Paul Shoesmith... (continues) "catastrophic" and "unforeseen" tyre failure...


So basically the 'decapitated' has become "... was "killed." The rest of the report is more or less the same as when I read it this morning at 6am.


Was it necessary? Who would think it unnecessary and why?


Being factual, an'that...

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I don't think it is necessary to detail that type of information. It doesn't really serve a purpose.


Well I now know how he died. I did not before. I expect that the purpose of article was to inform people the reason for his death. If Cretney is really objecting to the word decapitated in the original article and that the report is factually accurate I think he would have been better keeping his mouth shut as all he has done is draw additional attention to the matter.


Sometimes if you don't like something it is better to stay schtum.

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I don't think it is necessary to detail that type of information. It doesn't really serve a purpose.


Apart from openness.

I can think of many articles I have read online, in the papers and motorcycle mags that is pure sensationalist shite and serves no purpose whatsoever, other than selling copies.

Inquests into fatalities on the roads, either open or closed should be open and honest and all details made available to anyone who wants to know them.

I sit on the fence regarding the TT, but I think the general public, who's support is needed to continue the racing, should know all the ins and outs in order to form proper opinions on whether or not to give that support. I also don't like censorship and being told what I should know and what I shouldn't.

The more we are kept in the dark, the less support will be forthcoming and that will not be good for the future of closed road racing here.

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