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BBC reporting of TT rider's death

Max Power

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I don't think it is necessary to detail that type of information. It doesn't really serve a purpose.

Other than accurately reporting what happened.



Yes but it is the TT. Don't you know that any person who dies as a consequence did so with a smile on their face, did not suffer at all, were happy to have been martyred for the sake of the TT and doing what they love and in death will be met by a whole gaggle of dusky virgins. Apologies I might have got that confused with another religion.


Some will be annoyed by those comments, but it illustrates by previous point that if Cretney by opening his mouth has probably resulted in this being more widely seen and discussed than would otherwise have been the case.

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it was used as clickbait. to sensationalise it and draw people in. i don't think there was any need for it.

it's ultimately not going to do any harm to the tt's popularity though, possibly quite the opposite


But you can argue that there is not any need to report anything or when they do to report many of the details that they do. There was No NEED to report the inquest just like there is NO NEED for their to be endless reports about who has signed up to ride on what this year, lust like there is No NEED to report race results. There is NO NEED to do most things but that does not mean they should not be done.

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I don't think it is necessary to detail that type of information. It doesn't really serve a purpose.

I think it's very simple. If you support the races you should not be squeamish about accurate reporting of the events. The alternative is to say it should be hushed up, and that takes us to a really uncomfortable place.

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I think it should be reported accurately - if the TT riders and their families claim to 'know the risks' they really should know what happens, rather than the flowered up version that 'they died doing what they love'. This is not the first decapitation I've heard of in my relatively short time here dealing with the aftermath of people who know the risks doing what they love.

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I think it is very important that the actual details are released, although I think the details of the life changing injuries are more important than the deaths. Dead is dead, everyone knows people die in the races, but I think they are less aware of those who end up in rehabilitation for years.


Ever seen the video of the guy crashing into The Raven? Its not a nice thing to see, could have done without seeing it really, but I think anyone even thinking about racing should.

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I think it is very important that the actual details are released, although I think the details of the life changing injuries are more important than the deaths. Dead is dead, everyone knows people die in the races, but I think they are less aware of those who end up in rehabilitation for years.


This is very important. Some things are worse than death, depending on your viewpoint. I've seen a few irreversibly paralysed over the years, but since they don't come to inquest it's never reported.

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I think it should be reported accurately - if the TT riders and their families claim to 'know the risks' they really should know what happens, rather than the flowered up version that 'they died doing what they love'. This is not the first decapitation I've heard of in my relatively short time here dealing with the aftermath of people who know the risks doing what they love.



I think it is very important that the actual details are released, although I think the details of the life changing injuries are more important than the deaths. Dead is dead, everyone knows people die in the races, but I think they are less aware of those who end up in rehabilitation for years.


Ever seen the video of the guy crashing into The Raven? Its not a nice thing to see, could have done without seeing it really, but I think anyone even thinking about racing should.



It has to be reported so that people can keep trotting out the "they know the risks" line.


Beaten to it by wrighty.




I think it is very important that the actual details are released, although I think the details of the life changing injuries are more important than the deaths. Dead is dead, everyone knows people die in the races, but I think they are less aware of those who end up in rehabilitation for years.


This is very important. Some things are worse than death, depending on your viewpoint. I've seen a few irreversibly paralysed over the years, but since they don't come to inquest it's never reported.




Wouldn't be nice to watch though.

I have read a lot of indignation and vitriol about the way racing incidents are reported or the posting of photographs and information on social media, mainly by non competitors who queue up to express their disgust. The same people are also falling over themselves to mourn the loss of said competitors, 'he knew the risks', 'another rider taken too soon', 'what a wonderful racing family we are' etc etc.

A few days earlier, the same people are encouraging the rider with stupid things like 'keep 'er lit, 'head down, arse up' and other such bravado.

As a former competitor and official who has seen some truly horrific aftermaths to incidents, including decapitations and bisected torsos, I'm beginning to come down on the side of those who agree with the publication of the facts. How can anyone know the risks if they are not party to the information which helps help them make a decision?

I myself suffered life changing injuries a few years ago and I have to say that the support I got from race people was unbelievable, but since then I have formed the opinion that they don't understand how the sport can suddenly cause unbelievably harrowing injuries and suffering.

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Did his head come off?


If you are going to crash at 160 mph you're at risk of dismemberment ... is it a problem to explicitly tell people that?



Is it necessary?




I don't think it is necessary to detail that type of information. It doesn't really serve a purpose.

Other than accurately reporting what happened.






I don't think it is necessary to detail that type of information. It doesn't really serve a purpose.

Other than accurately reporting what happened.



Yes but it is the TT. Don't you know that any person who dies as a consequence did so with a smile on their face, did not suffer at all, were happy to have been martyred for the sake of the TT and doing what they love and in death will be met by a whole gaggle of dusky virgins. Apologies I might have got that confused with another religion.


Some will be annoyed by those comments, but it illustrates by previous point that if Cretney by opening his mouth has probably resulted in this being more widely seen and discussed than would otherwise have been the case.



China , perhaps I'm a bit old fashioned but on occasions I feel it is sometimes better to be compassionate than honest.


I'm guessing that you did not know Paul or his family and think it acceptable that the world should know the precise details of the accident .


When the press and the television report on tragedies the details are withheld if it is felt that they would cause 'distress' ,I s'pose we would 'draw the line' differently.


I take a similar view to "notwell".



"Lost Login", you really are an despicable individual , I get that you don't approve of road racing and I'll concede that I don't know you , have no desire to know you , and your death would not concern me but I would not post anything designed to offend your family and those who knew you .




I accept that some cannot comprehend why some of us choose to even ride a motorcycle , as someone once said "It would be like explaining the joys of sex to a virgin ....... if you haven't done it you wouldn't understand .


My abiding memory of Paul was the rear view of him "high five-ing" some young kids leaning over the fence when he was making his way back to the paddock.


RIP Paul

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"Lost Login", you really are an despicable individual , I get that you don't approve of road racing and I'll concede that I don't know you , have no desire to know you , and your death would not concern me but I would not post anything designed to offend your family and those who knew you .




I accept that some cannot comprehend why some of us choose to even ride a motorcycle , as someone once said "It would be like explaining the joys of sex to a virgin ....... if you haven't done it you wouldn't understand .


My abiding memory of Paul was the rear view of him "high five-ing" some young kids leaning over the fence when he was making his way back to the paddock.


RIP Paul



I disagree with hosting an event for the sake of tourism and the IoM coffers at which it is fairly certain competitors will die or end up with life changing injuries.


If people want to do activities which some may see as dangerous then I have no issue with that. Crack on it is their choice but let it be privately arranged, organised and paid for.


I thought what Max Power said was very persuasive and what I get peeved off about is that people do not seem to care that for the sake of ££££ we put on an event knowing that people will die, be left as widows, be left without a parent, be left disabled for the rest of their lives, struggle to support themselves but as soon as any details of a death is published loads of people are upset. Seems to be that some have their priorities wrong.


From Cretney's complaint and the follow up by others I was expecting to read some pretty detailed and insensitive reporting. Was there? Not in my view, the objection seems to be that the report used the word decapitated. That seems fair enough to me as taking a punt I expect having your head taken off generally results in death and as others have pointed out in other deaths where people have lost their heads in an accident that has been reported not hushed up. I could point you in the direction of train incidents where people have stuck their heads out of windows and hit a bridge.


This would not have kicked off and reached the public's attention if Cretney had just let the matter go. He gave it the oxygen off publicity and fanned it by posting all about it on his facebook page. Seems to me he could have easily complained to the BBC privately and had changed and nobody would have been any the wiser. Seems to me that poor old Cretney might have been more interested in getting publicity for himself than any concerns he had for others.


Yes I was trolling slightly above and I apologise for that. But I get sick of it appearing that anything slightly negative about the TT gets hushed up, or that parties want it to be hushed up. If people want the TT to survive then they have to open and honest about it and not try and pretend the bad stuff does not happen.

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