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BBC reporting of TT rider's death

Max Power

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Yes but your angle is that Cretney wants to hide bike accidents related to bike riding or racing . Which he doesn't

Have you spoken to him about that or is that statement just more bullshit you've made up because you haven't got a clue?

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Yes but he isn't covering up an accident or the death is he?


It's irrelevant information. The reporting of the inquest should focus on why someone died. I.e what caused the accident.


It is unnecessary information and serves no purpose other than to upset probably friends and family.


There is an inquest going on into the death of a young lady up north a few months ago from a car accident at lezayre. It has gone as far to say that the cause of death was no seat belt and the impact sent her out through the back window. That's enough. Would we expect a report to say 'oh and by the way she then xxxxxxxxxx etc'?


Cretney was spot on here. He's not trying to cover up an accident or fatality.

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The police want people to know the risks and Mr Cretney appears to want people to not know the risks.

This waa what you said originally.


Again, Cretneys actions were not designed to stop people knowing the risks of riding a bike. (Be that road racing or otherwise).


This is what you are saying but it isn't true. If that was the case then he would actually be looking to surpress all reporting.

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When you race motorcycles you are at risk of your head coming off if you happen to crash. We know that because the recent report on the BBC informed us of it. If the op is correct, and I don't know if it is or not, Mr Cretney appears to not want people to know that, and was instrumental in having those details edited out of the report.

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