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Axe attack in German train station

RIchard Britten

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Not really. 99 to 1 says an Islamist.


Well seeing as you would have been 100% wrong this morning, you're not exactly off to a good start...


A bit like when the Canada shooting happened not so long ago and all the "usual" posters had the case closed before the news had finished breaking. Eggs on faces with that one.

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Not really. 99 to 1 says an Islamist.


Well seeing as you would have been 100% wrong this morning, you're not exactly off to a good start...


A bit like when the Canada shooting happened not so long ago and all the "usual" posters had the case closed before the news had finished breaking. Eggs on faces with that one.


Are we even sure about this morning? All seems a bit lacking on detail.


ETA: We do know of course that (statement of the bleedin' obvious) he's "mentally ill". Lot of it about.

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Described as a paranoid-schizophrenic Kosovan in the Mail.

From Wiki: Today, 96% of Kosovo's population are from Muslim family backgrounds, most of whom are ethnic Albanians.


So now we know why he's from Yugoslavia. Thought as much.


ETA: Apparently given leave to remain in 2009 "for humanitarian reasons" despite being a nutcase and allowed to roam the streets at will. Paranoid schizophrenic. So for "humanitarian reasons" they put their own people in danger of death and injury. To what lengths will the do-gooders go to prove the extent of their needy humanity in the face of ridicule by anyone with an ounce of intelligence. People like this should be straight back to wherever they came from.



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