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Axe attack in German train station

RIchard Britten

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Well they did say they were "watching" him. Didn't say they were going to do anything to stop him. They should have been "watching" him as he was chucked out of an aircraft at 40,000 feet without a parachute.


Whom the gods would destroy...................

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Woolley, You are being over dramatic. The French security forces are doing a lot more than just watching people and they are quite definitely not just carrying on "watching" them kill innocent people.


Even the most repressive regimes (and I'm not going to Godwin myself) were unable to stop dedicated people from using violence. Repression feeds the radical's narrative; it is something they want to provoke from the states they attack to isolate the community they claim to represent.


Argentina got nowhere throwing people out of helicopters and simply became the monsters they claimed to be opposing.


I hope you withdraw your desire for barbarity. Realistically do you think it would help?

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I hope you withdraw your desire for barbarity. Realistically do you think it would help?

I know they aren't going to start throwing them out of aeroplanes. I was assuming a certain amount of licence. There's a million sanctions between that and letting them walk the streets to kill at will.

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