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IRA thug dead


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If the British were deliberately running both sides: Why? Do you believe, for example, in the idea of a deliberate strategy of tension? Or would you lean more towards a cock-up version of history in which different branches of the, so-called, establishment simply didn't always realise that they would have sometimes been running against each other? Because there is no establishment, as such.


Or something else. I'm genuinely interested.

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To play the game for a moment, I could see a rationale for riding both horses if the idea was you could guide them both into heading in the same direction down the road of dialogue. Which I suppose is more or less what happened in the lead up to the Good Friday Agreement.

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as they say, the end justifies the means. or does it?


certainly not the only one recruited in this way, which of course it the best way to recruit someone that doesn't really want to work for you. that's why kincorra was kept open for business after all.

a few links...



martin ingram- a former member of the now renamed force research unit (FRU) claimed in his book stakeknife that the bullets used in the assasination attempt carried out by members of the UFF had had their gunpowder charge considerably reduced. which had the effect of keeping adams alive. the UFF hitmen didn't know this of course. this was all overseen by members of the FRU and the shooters arrested by plainclothes special branch moments later.

i recommend anyone with an interest to read The Dirty War by martin dillon

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one from the spectator





and one quoting peter taylor


"According to Peter Taylor, intelligence from Nelson enabled the TCG Belfast to foil a UFF plan to kill Gerry Adams by seizing the limpet mine that was to be used in the attack."

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"The Troubles" claimed over well over 3000 lives, men, women and children, most of them innocent. To include Australian lawyers murdered by mistake in Roermond on a night out in 1989.


Personally, I hope McGuinness rots in hell.

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And the loyalists were equally penetrated. Adams would be dead now had british intelligence not doctored the bullets to be used after being pre warned of the plans by their agent brian nelson. Adams would be dead but it wasn't allowed to happen.

Fancy that, laying tarmac by day secret agent by night.

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