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Explosions On London Underground...


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I can see a scenario where something might go wrong, like an asian kid, mistaken identity, might have done something dodgy (bit of pot, stolen kit, etc) gets challenged, panics and does a runner, cops see loads of wires dangling (from ipod, hands free etc) and shoot him...not good. But that is the sort of lack of freedom we're going to have to put up with in this kind of war; it's like the same way no-one with any sense takes the mick about joking with security at airports about bombs in bags these days; 20 years ago you used to see that happen. I do actually think it is an acceptable infringment of the basic freedoms given the circumstances. The point is the forces aren't being used to deliver summary justice without trial but are acting as a lethal intervention to hopefully prevent further loss of civilian life.

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As I understand it the police already had him under observation so the must have suspected him of having some involvement. He came out of a house that was also under observation and went to the tube station. He didn't stop when challenged and, jumping over the barriers, ran to the train.


Given that there were reports the previous day of a bomber running to a train and throwing a bag through the open door what would you have done if you were the police?


Under the current circumstances I think they did what they thought they had to do, however alien it might be to our way of doing things

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that's exactly correct, sounds like procedures had been observed as much as they possibly can be in those circumstances. Also looks like that if they actually were police officers then they've had specific training in bringing down suicide suspects as that wouldn't be the normal police approach. Pretty fortunate I think that the last couple of days haven't been a lot worse.

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Polski ypu are deflecting from the point, what i/you could/would have done is far from it, what worries me is the feeling im getting that people are accepting that it is ok to shoot first and if it turns out that they were innocent, well tough luck. A fine and noble sentiment until its your son lying bleeding because he panicked.


Is it the case that we are bringing peace and freedom to the middle east whilst losing the same at home?


It is a rather good point though, what if this man had blown himself up?. The security services would have taken such a pillorying, "why wasn't he taken out?", would have been the question.


I get the feeling that those in the security services are damned if they do and damned if they don't sometimes. The Muslim Council of Great Britain is starting to get rather animated about this, I am reading.


To be honest I don't understand the mentality of someone that when confronted by the Police, having done nothing illegal, runs away. That isn't to say it doesn't happen though. Perhaps this man had something else to hide which wasn't related to the offence?, although that probably is unlikely.

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