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Explosions On London Underground...


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My missus is going frantic as her sister is in London today and we can't raise her as all the mobile networks are down. The HR department of her company (she was there on business) were completely useless as well. It's complete chaos, as you would expect.

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My missus is going frantic as her sister is in London today and we can't raise her as all the mobile networks are down. The HR department of her company (she was there on business) were completely useless as well. It's complete chaos, as you would expect.


Safe :)


Hope you get some good news Bill.

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As usual the media are providing the perpetrators with maximum publicity, 4 or 5 programs now repeating the same old video clips to pad out the time.


I thought they had learned the lessons of Belfast that they no longer concentrated on each and every incident, but I suppose this is London, and like the weather, if it rains in London it is horrible all over the world.


I pity those involved and despise the low-lifes that could do such sick things.

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Just found out, both safe and well. :D



I can't tell you how relieved I am  :D





Sky News are doing the scrolling list of names of people who are OK, it that helps anyone

Truly glad for you, Bill - and desperately sad for those who won't be receiving such good news today.

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