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Explosions On London Underground...


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I read somewhere that seven people died on the bus.


Ken Livingstone has come up with the best reaction so far I feel.


In a message to the terrorists he said: "This is not an ideology or even a perverted faith. This is just an attempt to kill innocent people.


"I know you fear you may fail in your long-term objectives. In the coming weeks look at our airports, seaports and railway stations.


"People come to live in London so they can live the life they choose.


"They flee you because you tell them how to live and no matter how many people you kill, you will fail."

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I've never seen Oxford Street so quiet. Not even on a Sunday. There is a very eerie atmosphere here.


I got into Victoria just after it all kicked off this morning. When I found out what was going on I was glad I decided to walk to the office instead of waiting in the 2 hour plus taxi queue, although thankfully nothing happened in the areas I was around.


Photo is of Oxford Street during what should have been the lunchtime rush looking down toward Oxford Circus with John Lewis on the left. Very spooky.


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This is a truly evil attack by evil creatures and I just cannot understand how these people walk around just like you or I and how they sleep at night (if they haven't wiped themselves out in the process of committing these atrocities).


Yesterday I watched masked anarchists with iron bars assaulting unarmed British police officers on the streets of Scotland. The police must have been terrified and they shouldn't be asked to deal with this sort of thing without more protection.


Maybe it's time for the British to get tough and take control of the borders and maybe time to stop dubious foreign clerics preaching violence and anarchy in these isles.


I've been watching a lot during the day and lots of lives have been lost or ruined and it's heartbreaking. The only light being the emergency services who seem so very organised and efficient. They're just wonderful.

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There's a casualty Hotline to call if you are worried about friends / relatives: 0870 1566 344.


EDIT: Please only call if it really is necessary, police are struggling to deal with over 42,000 calls an hour.

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Two dead on the bus explosion in Tavistock Square. Looking at the images on the news, that's incredibly lucky.


My heart goes out to all those affected by this despicable act of terrorism.


An awful day for the people of London, after such happy scenes just 24 hours ago.



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The only light being the emergency services who seem so very organised and efficient. They're just wonderful.


Which when I watched ITVs awful coverage over the day they were trying so hard to knock the emergency services. I honestly can't see why they would want to do that. I feel sorry for everyone involved, and I hope this doesn't give Blair/Bush a reason to stay in Iraq (as they seem to think al-quida and Iraq are linked for some reason).

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Its so horrible - my cousin who lives on tavistock square was in the shower when the explosion went off, he is not allowed out of his house. I had to walk home from caledonian road to wood green, took me 3 hours - there were just people walking home, people from my office walking from north london to clapham it will take them hours....


My uni has shut down, no work tomorow - its just shows you how london comes to a standstill. I just cant express how scared and just depressed i am for this is the way our life is now...

I am now goin to terrified to get on the bus, cause what will stop them from doing it again?


I like the way people have pulled together though, there was a real feeling of solidarity. I am lucky that i have contacted all my people and family and they are all safe.


I pray for everyone else...

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I dont know what has been said on here because I aint read it all yet, so if I repeat anyone Im sorry.


With respect, perhaps you should go back and read the entire thread.


Today is a very unpleasant day for so many people but everyone else that has posted on this thread has managed to keep their anger in check. Comments like yours run the risk of taking this thread in a whole new (and very unpleasant direction).


I'm not sure whether your post should stay or not so, for the timebeing, I've set it to invisble pending further discussion with the moderation team (sorry Slinky, that means yours too as you've quoted portions of it).


Please, think carefully before posting on such sensitive issues.


update: posts deleted.

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I hope that everyone is ok, and that people tryin to get through to people get through. If anyone needs me to do anything from here, let me know.


Just wanted to say that I read this post at work and thought it was very big hearted of you, so I felt obliged to comment.


Its reassuring to know that there are genuine people out there, that even in very trying circumstances will still put others first.

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yeah, it's not going to help anyone at this time to give in to anger however understandable; while it's probably true almost 100% or the uk's currently active terrorists are likely to be muslim, it certainly doesn't follow that 100% of muslims are terrorists..there was a guy on sky before, a cleric who works with young muslims and he counsels them against this kind of anger and says its actually in decline- you've got to get behind people like that and support them cos they're doing something for the future and anyway, nothing would make these people happier than seeing a wave of racist attacks to 'prove' their point. We had all this with Catholics and the RA years ago and can't go back now to that..

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