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Explosions On London Underground...


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I agree with you to an extent; it wouldn't be the first time that intelligence had been looking the wrong way, even argue that this is why al-qaeda are (is?) here; the US was still obsessed with cold war hangovers and right-wing extremism while ignoring the fundamentalist, non-palestinian threat. Likewise with the Brits who had the Irish problem to contend with. I would still stand by what I said though; you can prove it yourself; look at the most recent attacks in UK and europe/US/elsewhere and see who was behind them..now the natural argument there is to say these are the ones who go through..there could be a big group who have been stopped and you can't use that as evidence. So again, look for the prosecutions of terror groups worldwide. For my statement not to be true, there would have to be a major group or groups who have eluded detection but have not managed to succeed in their plans nor have they left enough evidence to prosecute. That doesn't add up for me.


In turn my response would be that you don't always know who or what the next terrorist attack is going to be, even when there is some evidence perhaps enough to prosecute.


I don't like to bring up the topic but an example could be 9/11 and that in hindsight a lot of source are saying the more could have been done to prevent it.


So that was al-queda that time, but I am using it to show that even big attacks by terrorists can be a complete surprise even when looking in the right places.


My other point would be that not all terrorists are part of massive organisations and many find being smaller groups better to avoid detection.


Other terrorists might still be active but have not unleashed there terrible plans and I hope and pray will never get the opportunity too.

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definitely; when did we hear about 'catholic terrorists'? mind you t'other lot used to be referred to as protestant paramilitaries...at least islamic fundamentalists tries to capture some of the extremity in them. It does however raise a question of what you would call them? It's going back to this issue of excommunication from the faith like ireland had a while back. I'm not a muslim so wouldn;t be confident about commenting on that

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I'm not going to claim that I truly understand everything you guys are saying, I don't know a fundamentalist from a capitalist or communist - i only know those words exist. And yes, maybe I should get a dictionary, but IMO, does it matter why type of terrorist it is?- when you look at it simply, a terrorist is a terrorist, never mind the religion they belong to. I worry for the muslim society where the majority are honest law abiding citizens and by putting the blame on Islam or muslims will simply add to the hostitlities that have already been created towards them since 9-11.

I wouldn't say these past attacks have been religious. You may say they were done by muslims in relation to their Islamic beliefs, but they haven't attacked a specific religious group - not like the IRA had. The attacks have been on all types of races, creeds, ages, etc there was not one group they went for. This is a group of people who believe the followings of one man probably, and therefore I would consider that to be a cult - not a religion. I think it's really important that we don't tar all muslims with the same brush. Lets be honest, if you met a Catholic or a Protestant in somewhere like Indonesia, would you automatically connect with the IRA? No, didn't think so.


Like I said, I don't pretend to know politics or religion, but I do believe in people and those who are innocent should not be subjected to generalisations relating to their religion or race.

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almost 100% or the uk's currently active terrorists are likely to be muslim


So what? What defines them as terrorists is, only, their terrorism.


Nothing else.


Muslims in Britain are not some other group. They're our relatives, friends, business partners and neighbours in many cases. How many Brits these days aren't either related to or close friends with Muslims - or Muslim themselves?


And I bet that many of the doctors who treated the injured will have been Muslims too.

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kiwi gal, I hear you- nowadays you probably wouldn't associate irish people with that but 20 years ago, if you were a young irish catholic in britain without an obvious profession, chances are you would have faced some of that. With regard to IRA bombs, they wouldn't have known either that catholics wouldn't have been hit, they were just brits. Likewise with these sickos. Putting it into perspective, the research I've got indicates there may be as many as 2,000 muslims in Britain either involved or prepared to support in some way, radical extremist terrorist action. That's a lot of people but is just a tiny fraction, one tenth of one per cent of the muslim community overall.

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I've got indicates there may be as many as 2,000 muslims in Britain either involved or prepared to support in some way, radical extremist terrorist action. That's a lot of people but is just a tiny fraction, one tenth of one per cent of the muslim community overall.


And that's my point exactly - it's a tiny fraction, and that fraction is not truly muslim, and that fraction belong to a "cult" that hide under a blanket they like to call religion.


Oh dear god - i think I have just had my first intellictual, political and religious conversation - my mum would be so proud! :) ................... and surprised lol.

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the research I've got indicates there may be as many as 2,000 muslims in Britain either involved or prepared to support in some way, radical extremist terrorist action.


What research are you specifically talking about? Be exact and specific.


If you've got information about 2,000 potential terrorists then you should almost certainly be talking to the Police. Otherwise it might just seem that you're repeating (as 'research') something you heard someone say.

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What's a muslim?


Someone who conforms to the rough model of the islamic religion,

or someone who 'believes' in Islam and carries out radicalist terrorist actions against the teachings of that religion?

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i dont mean to further any anti muslim sentiment, nor to fan flames, but islam has been taking the xxxx out of a few countries. namely Thailand (i have a strong connection with this country).


thailand is buddhist by state, and non secular by government. religion is kept at home, where it should be. however, a number of muslim settlements (i say settlements because they have literally refused to intergrate) have refused to send their children to the state schools, instead, setting up their own Muslim orientated schools.

in a country were standing on a coin can be punishable by anything including death (the foot is the most unholy part of the body in buddhist tradition, and the king's head is on the coin. thailand is, for the most part, very royalist), this is tantamount to treason. there are wars being waged in the villages of southern thailand because of muslim "extremism".



wonder how long it'll be before it happens in the west? oh yeah, its already started.....

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wonder how long it'll be before it happens in the west? oh yeah, its already started.....

..and it's only a question of time until the first Mosque goes up in flames in the UK:


The Muslim Council of Britain said it had received 30,000 messages of hate via e-mail, jamming its computers. source


The fact that the first named suspect, Mohammed al-Gerbouzi, was living as an asylum seeker in London, while having been sentenced to 20 years in Morocco for his alleged involvement in bombings in Casablanca, isn't gonna help either...


-snip- And we will continue to be on the loosing side until people wake up to reality.-snip-

Set the case we wake up, what's gonna be the best thing to do then?

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wonder how long it'll be before it happens in the west? oh yeah, its already started.....

..and it's only a question of time until the first Mosque goes up in flames in the UK:


The Muslim Council of Britain said it had received 30,000 messages of hate via e-mail, jamming its computers. source


The fact that the first named suspect, Mohammed al-Gerbouzi, was living as an asylum seeker in London, while having been sentenced to 20 years in Morocco for his alleged involvement in bombings in Casablanca, isn't gonna help either...


-snip- And we will continue to be on the loosing side until people wake up to reality.-snip-


Set the case we wake up, what's gonna be the best thing to do then?

i totally see what youre saying, but it seems to me that all too often, the buck gets passed on and on and on. there is no end.


sorry to bring conspiracy into it, but do you remember reagan?


"it will take a great tragedy to unite the world in peace, once and for all", or something like that.


ive been reading into the NWO, and its pretty scary man, i dont even know what to make of this in london, the whole thing seems a bit fishy.


(edited-im a moron)

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