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London Terror Attack


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They can only get away with this kind of "extra security" (their goal) after such an attack.....The Brussels attack was 3/22/16, This lone wolf planned London 3/22/17?

Do you have 22 months in your year or do you use the dumbassed American date format usually?

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The OP along with many others has fallen for it hook line and sinker, the only terrorists you should be paying attention to in this world are the financial terrorists that we call Banks...This is obviously another push by the system to get the lesser thinking portion of society, like the OP to get all excited about Muslims once again whilst applauding their very own enslavement.


If you think adding some more 90 IQ cops on the streets armed with lethal weapons and tanks will make you safer then you are mad, we are under attack by a malevolent government, not Muslim extremists.

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Just how do you operate a keyboard while in that straitjacket Gerry ? Do you tap out messages with a rubber pencil gripped between your teeth ?

Did you ever see Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot? I reckon that's how he does it.

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I thought Sughra Ahmed's Thought for the Day a few days was a very interesting exposition where a liberal Muslim attempts to understand the American religious right and shows an acceptance of diversity of views within Islamic thought.


It is a long way from the cliche of Islam too often presented on the Forums.

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Yawn, insisting there is only one definition of a word which has many uses isn't particularly helpful.


It is difficult to engage with people who are so insistent.


There are many more Muslims who just want to peacefully live their lives than rabid jihadis who want to slaughter the infidel, but their efforts tend to get drowned out by their more murderous co-religionists.


As ever I'm sure there will be people who will claim Islam cannot be reformed, but the reality is that it has melded with different cultures and circumstances over the centuries. Not all Muslims desire holy war, and many accept a live and let live attitude. To pretend otherwise is to deny reality.


Can there be an Islam which accepts apostasy, ridicule of Muhammed, and freedom of speech? It is a minority view, but it is by engaging with people like Sughra Ahmed progress can be made - she exemplifies a brand of Islam very different from the cliche of it being obsessed with violent jihad.

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I'm told by a mate in London that some muslim women linked hands in a human chain (across Westminster Bridge) in solidarity with the victims of the 'terror attack' .


Just sayingflowers.gif


If that is true, I hope they were treated with the respect due.thumbsup.gif

So very wrong to tar everyone with the same brush. Well done those women.

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