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London Terror Attack


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Nice one. Thanks.


That's really a very powerful statement.thumbsup.gif

Not really. A pathetic, staged publicity stunt.


Why would they stage it? Seems like they can't do right for doing wrong. Given the lack of freedom and strict scrutiny hard line Islam dictates to it's Women I think this was a very brave thing to do and probably risked personal repercussions. They get my respect anyway.



I don't want to pick a fight but, why "brave"?


They are in UK where freedom of speech etc allows such things. Why would they be afraid? If there are personal repercussions then they only have to contact the police. There are laws to protect their rights.



Perhaps because there are some folk in the UK with a similar twisted mindset as some on this site and the 'laws protecting their rights' are sometimes applied after folk have been beaten up or killed.


I respect the muslim women , as I respect the Jewish women who hold a silent protest in Israel against their governments discrimination .





Jewish women who protest imaginary discrimination and give propaganda material to Israel's enemies should be sent to a psychiatrist. They are obviously mentally affected by the constant hatred against Israel, that they have internalised the lies and hate themselves and are acting out against their own country. Truly sad to witness.



I understand that there is a multi religious group of 'observers' in Israel who witness activities of the government agencies and the erosion of the rights (?) of the non jewish inhabitants , e.g. the demolition of their homes ( which the residents have to pay for ) and the ploughing of their lands by non jewish farmers (not to plant anything , because it would be trashed ,just because if they don't the state will take it).


Perhaps you would do well to do some research before posting which frankly do not bear any scrutiny , hope this helps

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Lot's of people in UK of faith or of none donate to charities to help those in need in countries where Muslims are a significant majority.


I do.


Do you?

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Okay I can see you are being obtuse on purpose, but I will bite...


These groups were showing that although they are Muslims (and in the eyes of some guilty by association) they are not like the twat who carried out the attack.


Not at all being obtuse.


Just trying to point out to you that those, Muslims and others, who formed the human chain are from the same community. The Muslims are not the special section of society that you're making them out to be. They are not down-trodden, they are not discriminated against (although you would have us believe that they are) and enjoy all the rights and privileges along with everyone else. Yet you seem to be upset by that.

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I am not saying they are a special section of society (your words not mine).


Of course they are discriminated against, they are guilty by association (even leading to the likes of some on here talking about deporting Muslims and internment camps). Muslims world wide are being held to account for the actions of the few, while others who carry out similar crimes are not.


Just because you choose to ignore the facts doesn't make it right.


The point I was making (which you are intentionally skating around) is that Muslims are coming under collective punishment for the actions of the few, and that not all Muslims are religious zealots and mental cases.

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