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London Terror Attack


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Colour me shocked...


Government has the head of all the major social media/search engines in for a talk about handing over all your sensitive information helping to fight extremism.


And also around about the same time this happened in America...how long before we see this coming our way?



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But....but...the narrative....we have to stick to the narrative to justify our on going war on oil bearing countries/countries that drop the petro-dollar/countries that wont let our Israeli allies build pipelines through them terror

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Yeah, it's daft. I can see how it could be used to stop terrorism but so could recording every conversation ever in public. It'll just increase signal to noise ratio and the potential for abuse is ludicrously high. There's no way it won't be used to spy on ex girlfriends or wives

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Yeah, it's daft. I can see how it could be used to stop terrorism but so could recording every conversation ever in public. It'll just increase signal to noise ratio and the potential for abuse is ludicrously high. There's no way it won't be used to spy on ex girlfriends or wives


As if they would do anything wrong...



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I haven't noticed any reference to the IRA in this thread. They killed many people during "the troubles" but I don't remember calls to kick Catholics out of the UK or bank Irish people from the country.


Maybe thats because Irish Catholics/Nationalists are not visibly different from "us".


Just saying....

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You don't get it do you Richard. Islamofascism gave him a (religiously based) justification to take his violence to a far higher level.


He didn't need a reason to be a violent arsehole, it just gave him an excuse.


Islam seems to be good at that.

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