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London Terror Attack


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You don't get it do you Richard. Islamofascism gave him a (religiously based) justification to take his violence to a far higher level.


He didn't need a reason to be a violent arsehole, it just gave him an excuse.


The excuse? This person was able to identify with violent people because he shared their religious motivation - it wasn't the man's race, ethnicity, or even his politics which motivated him to kill - it was because his religious identity allowed him to think what he was doing was "righteous".


Do you really equate someone getting into a pub fight with a knife to someone deliberately driving a car at high speed through crowds of pedestrians and then attacking a policeman?


These are very different crimes.


Nobel prize winning physicist Steven Weinberg said:


With or without it [religion] you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.


This man wasn't a good man, but his interpretation of religion - encouraged by the efforts of others who share and evangelize this violent repressive religion - allowed him to justify being far far more violent. That is the point.


Islamo-fascism is deliberately encouraging people to see terrorism as a righteous behaviour.


If you can't see that as being a social evil you need help.

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You don't get it do you Richard. Islamofascism gave him a (religiously based) justification to take his violence to a far higher level.


He didn't need a reason to be a violent arsehole, it just gave him an excuse.


Islam seems to be good at that.



As does any political or quasi-religious "cause".


Like pro-life people blowing up abortion doctors cars..


"God told me to kill that baby killer, because killing babies is wrong"

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Islamo-fascism is deliberately encouraging people to see terrorism as a righteous behaviour.




See my comments on pro-life terrorists...


Yes, and we are back to your myopia when it is Islamic while having 20-20 vision when it is Christian.


How many people have been killed by pro-life terrorists motivated by their Christian beliefs in the last 5 years.


Can you not understand there is a quantitate difference between this and Islamo-fascism?


Islamo-fascism has committed genocide, is enslaving people and does desire mass slaughter of the people in the UK and Europe.

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It depends...can we clarify who is genuinely killing in the name of Allah, and who is killing for a more "human bias" and using Allah as an excuse?


Christio-facism is just as bad, its just better financed and has a better PR group...you are aware of a large "Christian" coalition (US/UK) that is killing hundreds every week?


"God bless America and its forces" - "God save the Queen and its forces"

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How many people have been killed by pro-life terrorists motivated by their Christian beliefs in the last 5 years.



November 29, 2015: A shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, left three dead and several injured, and a suspect Robert L. Dear was apprehended.[i 9][i 10][i 11] The suspect had previously acted against other clinics, and referred to himself as a "warrior for the babies" at his hearing.[i 12][i 13] Neighbors and former neighbors described the suspect as "reclusive",[i 10] and police from several states where the suspect resided described a history of run-ins dating from at least 1997.[i 11] As of December 2015, the trial of the suspect was open;[i 12] but, on May 11, 2016, the court declared the suspect incompetent to stand trial after a mental evaluation was completed.[i 14]

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And you appear to be using the media interpretation of the word terrorist...i.e. anyone "we" don't like.


Are the Taliban terrorists, insurgents or freedom fighters?


Are the Iraqi's terrorists, insurgents or freedom fighters?


IS is not about religion but power and influence...human traits and human issues.

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And you appear to be using the media interpretation of the word terrorist...i.e. anyone "we" don't like.


Are the Taliban terrorists, insurgents or freedom fighters?


Are the Iraqi's terrorists, insurgents or freedom fighters?


IS is not about religion but power and influence...human traits and human issues.

We've already discussed this - by there deeds they are known. There are times when all these groups have acted as combatants in a war and hence have the protections this gives, but that doesn't allow you to commit war crimes, butcher civillians and set off car bombs in Mosques. That is terrorism.


Do you not understand this?

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And you appear to be using the media interpretation of the word terrorist...i.e. anyone "we" don't like.


Are the Taliban terrorists, insurgents or freedom fighters?


Are the Iraqi's terrorists, insurgents or freedom fighters?


IS is not about religion but power and influence...human traits and human issues.

We've already discussed this - by there deeds they are known. There are times when all these groups have acted as combatants in a war and hence have the protections this gives, but that doesn't allow you to commit war crimes, butcher civillians and set off car bombs in Mosques. That is terrorism.


Do you not understand this?



So by that measure, killing innocent people by drone strike is also terrorism? Does bombing 200 odd innocent people not count as terrorism? Is the bombing of civilian infrastructure not count as terrorism?


There always seems to be a certain level of flexibility when "the good guys" do things that would be considered naughty when "the bad guys do it".

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Not too many Muslims here in Italy atm. Must be the strong Catholic presence that keeps them away. It's sad that seemingly the only way to defeat Muslims is with other religious nutters because many atheists don't have the backbone to do what needs to be done and are instead conquered by the Menace. Dawn I'm going to miss cheap trips to Europe after brevity when the pound is worth as much as a zloty.

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Not too many Muslims here in Italy atm. Must be the strong Catholic presence that keeps them away. It's sad that seemingly the only way to defeat Muslims is with other religious nutters because many atheists don't have the backbone to do what needs to be done and are instead conquered by the Menace. Dawn I'm going to miss cheap trips to Europe after brevity when the pound is worth as much as a zloty.


I'm an atheist and served...


Unlike you...but then we both know you're not really on the dole...

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