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London Terror Attack


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Lessons learned from vietnam in regards to ground forces deaths not being too good for public opinion. The plebs don' t mind cheering on the bombing via the news but they aren't overly keen on their own children dying

When push comes to shove that doesn't tend to stop them.

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I don't think there's anything sudden or surprising about this. Iran is a long standing supporter of Assad and has been backing Shia fighters in the Syrian civil war from the beginning. There's no need to fall back on conspiracy theories to explain their stance in relation to Iran. There are ample military and theological reasons for it, and this latest statement is not any kind of volte-face.

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I wasn't suggesting it was planned ad hoc over the weekend guzzi. I'm just amazed there is any isis left. We have killed over a million and there was only a couple of hundred thousand in the first place




I think it's probably bluster and hyperbole more than a plausible threat to open a new front in Iran. Only 5% - 10% of Iranians are Sunni, so IS aren't going to get many indigenous recruits.


On numbers and casualties, I would be sceptical of what is broadcast by either ISIS, Syria, Iraq or 'the west'. If western intelligence knows the real number of ISIL fighters, they would probably (and understandably) prefer misinformation and deception to transparency.

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So are we all agreed it wasn't a terrorist attack. Some dude killed people. It wasn't Isis or al Queda.

Maybe not but he wasn't a lone wolf nutter either. Apparently he could have been radicalised at his mosque in Luton rather that t'internet.


Who'd have thought it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Every action seems to have an equal and opposite reaction. It would seem that ignoring terrorism worked out pretty well for the USA for most the last 150 years - as the terrorists also ignored them. It's only since they started their war on terror that they seem to have experienced terrorism. I'm sure there's a lesson there.




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