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London Terror Attack


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So sad, such a nasty and deliberate act of terrorist murder and this deluded, misguided & indifferent individual was luckily rather incompetent - French and German fellow-travellers have killed many more. It could have been far worse.


Only three murdered, but that is to totally diminish the trauma and damage done to those injured or caught up in his evil.


He set out to deliberately kill civilians going about their normal peaceful everyday lives. That was his desire and objective.


Any right thinking person should acknowledge that that is a heinous crime, unjustifiable and worthy only of condemnation.


Thank goodness our security services were able to stop him carrying on.

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Just for balance in the face of those who claim we bring these attacks on ourselves and deserve it, it's worth reiterating the Islamic State's call to its ummah in September 2014...


" So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their Police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European-- especially the spiteful French-- or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be... If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of his allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or RUN HIM OVER WITH YOUR CAR, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him or poison him..."


Alarming stuff.

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Do you think they'd be OK if we were OK with them? I was actually thinking about terrorists in the car on my commute this morning, wondering if they'd reason. I'm not fussy, I don't hate Mohamed he was probably right some of the time, if I met a terrorist I would hope they'd be understanding. I don't like all this death it's quite unpleasant.

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Time to start shipping them back from whence they came en masse.

Or start interning them. All of them. We just need an island somewhere....


Now 5 dead. Hope he's enjoying his virgin goats.

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Time to start shipping them back from whence they came en masse.

Or start interning them. All of them. We just need an island somewhere...


Now 5 dead. Hope he's enjoying his virgin goats.

This psychopath and his acts are not representative of all British muslims. Shipping them out wholesale or internment without trial would create more problems than it sought to solve, though internment may well become an option in the long term in some cases...


The whole ideology and culture of islam needs to be addressed without fear or favour and in a robust and proactive manner. The tradition of British tolerance and acceptance has become appeasement which plays into the hands of hardline islamists who interpret such tolerance as a weakness and suits their supremacist aims, which until very recently, had been openly preached in mosques and madrassas around the country.


So-called "moderate" muslims in Britain have a massive co-operative role to play. But what will be seen? Thousands of moderate, peaceful muslims marching down Whitehall protesting that this murder and mayhem it is not in their name?

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So sad, such a nasty and deliberate act of terrorist murder and this deluded, misguided & indifferent individual was luckily rather incompetent - French and German fellow-travellers have killed many more. It could have been far worse.


Only three murdered, but that is to totally diminish the trauma and damage done to those injured or caught up in his evil.


He set out to deliberately kill civilians going about their normal peaceful everyday lives. That was his desire and objective.


Any right thinking person should acknowledge that that is a heinous crime, unjustifiable and worthy only of condemnation.


Thank goodness our security services were able to stop him carrying on.

How wet. No doubt he was on a watch list too and will have "mental issues". Can you not get your learned head around the fact that there is a deliberate, potent and growing ideology in our very midst that desires nothing short of our total destruction? It is not insane. It is purposeful and determined.

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So-called "moderate" muslims in Britain have a massive co-operative role to play. But what will be seen? Thousands of moderate, peaceful muslims marching down Whitehall protesting that this murder and mayhem it is not in their name?


Don't hold your breath.

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So-called "moderate" muslims in Britain have a massive co-operative role to play. But what will be seen? Thousands of moderate, peaceful muslims marching down Whitehall protesting that this murder and mayhem it is not in their name?


Don't hold your breath.

It hasn't happened to date? When we see some very public, overt statements condemning such acts, from the moderate, muslim community it will be a start.


They're SO oppressed...

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So-called "moderate" muslims in Britain have a massive co-operative role to play. But what will be seen? Thousands of moderate, peaceful muslims marching down Whitehall protesting that this murder and mayhem it is not in their name?


Don't hold your breath.
It hasn't happened to date? When we see some very public, overt statements condemning such acts, from the moderate, muslim community it will be a start.


They're SO oppressed...

Indeed. The victimhood card has been played strategically by the islamists to prey on our conscience and I predict we'll soon hear accusations of brutality and fears of a backlash against, and vilification of, innocent muslims by the usual suspects.

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