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London Terror Attack


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This was from last year. But don't let that get in the way of your "round em up" pitchfork waving.


Where we you all baying for blood when Jo Cox died at the hands of a white, supposedly Christian, English person?


Stinky is right when he posted that story about the 30 odd dead Syrian innocents killed in our "War on Terror", none of you will give a shit...but as soon as the reality of it comes a little closer to home, you're suddenly "concerned".


This was an unfortunate loss of life. "We" are only going to make it worse by condemning an entire section of society for the actions of the few.

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I have previously said that we really need a different word to describe those muslims who would neither ever commit such an act or in any way support its aims.


Every single muslim I know personally (about a dozen) never goes to the mosque and is as western in their approach to life as it is possible to be. I'd wager this description could be applied to a majority of those who are routinely just described as muslims and as a consequence are completely unreasonably included in any debate such as this.


I am all for freedom of expression (including religion) providing the believer, religious or otherwise, does not expect any special treatment or privilege based on their beliefs. That said I think the only muslims who want society to 'go their way' attend the mosque and only a tiny percentage of those would actually commit a crime like this. But.....how many other mosque attenders would quietly support its basic aims to change society to their ways is a somewhat unfathomable question but it needs to be asked.


How about calling them islamists instead? That way you exclude the vast majority of decent people from discussions like this (who just happen to be muslim by birth) who just want to live in peace and have never been and never will be a threat. Hopefully we can then eliminate stupid, nasty and devisive comments like the aforementioned "Muslims. Fithly Creatures" in any context (including the somehow wierdly humorous) forever.

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Stinky is right when he posted that story about the 30 odd dead Syrian innocents killed in our "War on Terror", none of you will give a shit.

Really? Do you arrive at that conclusion because most of us choose not to comment on a very complicated issue completely without our experience?

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Stinky is right when he posted that story about the 30 odd dead Syrian innocents killed in our "War on Terror", none of you will give a shit.

Really? Do you arrive at that conclusion because most of us choose not to comment on a very complicated issue completely without our experience?



It was a general "none of you" not a specific "none of you".


Like when I say "We" killed 33 innocents in a bombing mission in Syria.

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Stinky is right when he posted that story about the 30 odd dead Syrian innocents killed in our "War on Terror", none of you will give a shit.

Really? Do you arrive at that conclusion because most of us choose not to comment on a very complicated issue completely without our experience?



It was a general "none of you" not a specific "none of you".


Like when I say "We" killed 33 innocents in a bombing mission in Syria.


classic libtard diversion tactics again....

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I have previously said that we really need a different word to describe those muslims who would neither ever commit such an act or in any way support its aims.

I'm fairly certain you've got that the wrong way around.


But there should definitely be a word for the sorts of people who excitedly post online the latest details and speculation from Twitter etc. You know they are getting some kind of vicarious thrill from re-reporting the drama, procedural terminology and tragedy of a lockdown event.


Constant over-reporting and online rubbernecking achieves exactly the impact which terrorism seeks.

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Nobody on here gives a fuck who or what dies. They are just desperate for the london thing to be muslim terrorists to justify their usual shite


Don't be ridiculous. We already knew 99 to 1 it would be a Muslim. We would rather no terrorist attack at all than for one to be found to have been perpetrated by a Muslim. However, I'd like to point out that the issue isn't so much Islam, or even "extreme" Islam, which is a nonsensical term. The problem is Wahabism which has been spread all over the globe by the Saudis, who are in bed with America and Britain, and these terrorists are being used as agents of chaos to justify the push for more centralisation of power, more police state powers, more surveillance, and probably world government. People just need to look up Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, Building 7, The Project for a New American Century, the burning of the Reichstag, Operation Himmler, etc, to get a sense of what is going on in the world. Don't get me wrong. There are real Muslim terrorists, but they're pawns. Follow the money.

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Yes, Stinky and Dick are making a false assumption that ALL Muslims are being criticised here. It's Wahabist psychopaths, which is a political ideology. They've been murdering non-Muslims and other Muslims since the 19th century. Other schools of thought before that were involved in mass genocide against Hindus in India and Christians in Armenia. Islam is currently going through a 16th century phase like Christianity, but violent Wahabists are winning. What they need is for reformists to win. Unfortunately, the reformists are losing and the Wahabists winning because our western governments and corporations are working with the Wahabists and working against reformists. How many moderate Muslim countries have had coups and the government taken over by religious nutters? We need to stop our governments if we're to stop terrorism in the long term.

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The symbolism of an attack on the british parliament, the very bedrock of 'democracy' (thanks roger) seems to be getting pushed quite a bit. The symbolism to me is that a load of innocents got killed or maimed while those responsible for putting us in this position in the first place, the politicians, were safely protected behind multiple layers of armed security. They will big it up like they had a close escape while going overboard on the rhetoric, knowing full well it's only the innocents that ever pay their price

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You know they are getting some kind of vicarious thrill from re-reporting the drama, procedural terminology and tragedy of a lockdown event.


Constant over-reporting and online rubbernecking achieves exactly the impact which terrorism seeks.

Worse than that pongo. Some are probably also getting a big thrill by being given yet another opportunity to have another vicious go at a wide ethnic group they have chosen to hate. It matters not one iota that the vast majority of that group is entirely blameless.


I didn't look but no doubt many will have taken to social media within minutes and any hope you have of that not happening is pie in the sky. People will discuss this and some quite despicably and I therefore regret that I don't think I have got this the wrong way round.

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