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London Terror Attack


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The Saudis are into horses. They are very good at riding several at once.

They're relationship with violent Islam was pretty much set when militants siezed the grand mosque in 1979 and hasn't changed that much since then. I agree it is nuanced,but the simpistic narrative Saudi funds Islamic Terrorism is false. The Saudi government ie the House of Saud is actively opposed to IS, al qaeda etc which regard it as US supporting heritics... I admit many of their citizens do support IS,AQ etc but that is like saying the government in Dublin supports the IRA because both aspire for a united Ireland and many Irish support the IRA - that doesn't make it government policy.

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The Saudis are into horses. They are very good at riding several at once.

I agree it is nuanced,but the simpistic narrative Saudi funds Islamic Terrorism is false. The Saudi government ie the House of Saud is actively opposed to IS, al qaeda etc which regard it as US supporting heritics.



They clearly do fund Islamic terrorism. They are themselves a terrorist family who terrorise their own people. The Saudis were a tribe who were put in power by the British Empire to be clients for them to maintain British control of the region. The Saudis in turn had a political alliance with the fundamentalist political movement of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (founded in the 18th century). Together, the Saudis and Wahabists have spread their influence throughout the Islamic world. They and the British have suppressed moderate and normative Islam in order to maintain power. We're not at war with Islam, we're at war with international elites (who ruled via the British Empire, then via the American Empire) who play us all off against each other. Classic divide and conquer. They love all this Islamic extremism. It is good money for them to have all this war, militarisation, orwellian control, surveillance. It keeps people here terrified and willing to give up our freedom for security, and it allows the Islamic extremists such as the Saudis to suppress their own people as well. It's win win for them. The Saudis are duplicious, two-faced scum who simultaneously promote terrorism abroad while fighting dissent at home under the guise of anti-terrorism. Kind of like the western governments do as well really.

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I still find it hard to believe that the policeman who was killed was unarmed.




Problem > Reaction > Solution


Terrorist attack, unarmed policeman killed >>> "If only he'd been armed!" >>> Next week: government to introduce new measure to arm all police.

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I still find it hard to believe that the policeman who was killed was unarmed.


Why? The majority of police aren't armed.

The majority of police are not guarding The Palace of Westminster.

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They have a mix of armed and unarmed, i don't see that as particularly weird.


The last time they were asked the vast majority of serving police officers did not want to be armed, wonder whether that has changed. My brother is a police officer and definitely does not want to be armed, but it is a long time since he walked a beat.

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Come on PK...you know as well as I do, one man goes armed, the other checks the ID card...

The police, especially in the cities, are more regularly armed then folks think. It's all about the level of risk. And in this case I think they got it wrong.


Presumably he was wearing a stab proof vest?

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