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Taxpayers to dig for £20M for Liverpool Dock


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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Serious question. Do you think perhaps you have come to this conclusion as a result of spending time on here where most contributors default position is that everything the Government do is rubbish?. And you have unconsciously picked up this bias?

As I’ve mentioned before such views are not as prevalent in the wider Manx community.


I think that Apple has formed his or her opinion based on regular and close observation of the group of people criticised.

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45 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's worth listening to that clip because of the amount of incoherent bullshit that Baker comes up with in two minutes.  And he doesn't really explain why the Steam Packet should be using the issue to get back at the Government when the report that the Government itself commissioned made it clear that the fault was almost entirely ... the Government's.

It's a little bit embarrassing, let's be honest. School boy stuff

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Voice of Reason .. genuine question. Could you please tell me one success story managed by this Government in the last 5 years ? Something that hasn't cost alot more than original spec or that hasn't overun and caused umpteen issues because of that . As I said I would be interested to hear what you can offer in defence of your assumption that we are all somehow negative for no real reason !?? 

Edited by Numbnuts
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2 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

The wider Manx community thinks that electricity is a magic juice which flows from heaven.

Very probably some of them do, but I rather think that huge numbers of the community are less politically interested/aware/engaged as many MF contributors and if they were the government would have an altogether more difficult time. Significant numbers of people can’t name their MHKs which, frankly, is a piss-poor performance in respect of civic contribution.

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11 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Voice of Reason .. genuine question. Could you please tell me one success story managed by this Government in the last 5 years ? Something that hasn't cost alot more than original spec or that hasn't overun and caused umpteen issues because of that . As I said I would be interested to hear what you can offer in defence of your assumption that we are all somehow negative for no real reason !?? 

How about maintaining a low tax, low unemployment economy for the last five years despite COVID etc?

I think that would be deemed a success in most people’s eyes. Think that is worth more than the odd IT niggle in the Census process.

Maybe its the nature of such a forum to focus on the negatives but there does seem to be a pack mentality on here determined to do nothing but criticise.

Of course the actions of the Government should be scrutinized and they deserve to be called to account when necessary. They have made mistakes but the amount and level of vitriol on here is completely disproportionate. The amount and volume of vehemence given to any small judgements of error, and personal insults obscure any legitimate complaints.

I for one just stop reading any posting that starts with “fat howie” at that point as I don’t think the author has any credibility whatever they may have to say.

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16 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

How about maintaining a low tax, low unemployment economy for the last five years despite COVID etc?

I think that would be deemed a success in most people’s eyes. Think that is worth more than the odd IT niggle in the Census process.

Maybe its the nature of such a forum to focus on the negatives but there does seem to be a pack mentality on here determined to do nothing but criticise.

Of course the actions of the Government should be scrutinized and they deserve to be called to account when necessary. They have made mistakes but the amount and level of vitriol on here is completely disproportionate. The amount and volume of vehemence given to any small judgements of error, and personal insults obscure any legitimate complaints.

I for one just stop reading any posting that starts with “fat howie” at that point as I don’t think the author has any credibility whatever they may have to say.

Low taxes you say, for who would that be?

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21 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

How about maintaining a low tax, low unemployment economy for the last five years despite COVID etc?

I think that would be deemed a success in most people’s eyes. Think that is worth more than the odd IT niggle in the Census process.

Maybe its the nature of such a forum to focus on the negatives but there does seem to be a pack mentality on here determined to do nothing but criticise.

Of course the actions of the Government should be scrutinized and they deserve to be called to account when necessary. They have made mistakes but the amount and level of vitriol on here is completely disproportionate. The amount and volume of vehemence given to any small judgements of error, and personal insults obscure any legitimate complaints.

I for one just stop reading any posting that starts with “fat howie” at that point as I don’t think the author has any credibility whatever they may have to say.

At least you're aware it's fat Howie

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2 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Voice of Reason .. genuine question. Could you please tell me one success story managed by this Government in the last 5 years ? Something that hasn't cost alot more than original spec or that hasn't overun and caused umpteen issues because of that . As I said I would be interested to hear what you can offer in defence of your assumption that we are all somehow negative for no real reason !?? 

Well voice of reason wouldn’t know!  Clagh Vane good example of budget and on time wonder if that’s why they wanted an MLC to replace me in Housing!  Only Division in DOI not overspent -  Cant have an MHK not going to Tynwald for extra money 😂

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54 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

How about maintaining a low tax, low unemployment economy for the last five years despite COVID etc?

I think that would be deemed a success in most people’s eyes. Think that is worth more than the odd IT niggle in the Census process.

Maybe its the nature of such a forum to focus on the negatives but there does seem to be a pack mentality on here determined to do nothing but criticise.

Of course the actions of the Government should be scrutinized and they deserve to be called to account when necessary. They have made mistakes but the amount and level of vitriol on here is completely disproportionate. The amount and volume of vehemence given to any small judgements of error, and personal insults obscure any legitimate complaints.

I for one just stop reading any posting that starts with “fat howie” at that point as I don’t think the author has any credibility whatever they may have to say.

I'm sorry but those 'claims' do not belong to this Government as we have had a low tax regime for as long as I can  remember . Also its predominentally the private sector that has meant we have had low unemployment despite up until recently they making it very hard for people to come here to work.  The e gaming has sprung up here over many years so to put its success and growth down to this regime would be disingenuous at best. Their efforts to gloss over the pension deficit by increasing the head count without growing infrastructure to match is a completely flawed policy as anyone with half a brain knows its self defeating . So from your answer it would seem that you actually cant pin down any memorable success stories pertaining to THIS Government ! Next year will show this regime up for what it has been sadly . Footnote . I have actually supported the work permits over the years as it protects local jobs . 

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3 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Serious question. Do you think perhaps you have come to this conclusion as a result of spending time on here where most contributors default position is that everything the Government do is rubbish?. And you have unconsciously picked up this bias?

I understand but truly my views are my own and fashioned primarily what I learn outside of the forum.

I have tried to alway shy away from any personal attributes of any individuals. I am not perfect and I don't require or search for it in others. That encourages me hopefully to be as objective as I can. 

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8 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Not the lowest maybe but for those who pay taxes pretty low compared with other jurisdictions 

But other costs are high, outweighing the advantage of low taxation.

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47 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

But other costs are high, outweighing the advantage of low taxation.

There is always some element of choice with other costs though, not so when it comes to direct taxation. I think the issue is why are other things more expensive? Is it additional shipping? An inability to buy in the required quantity for an economy of scale benefit? I don't know. I do think there is an element of 'rip off' whereby suppliers on Island take advantage of their market position but that in itself is risky in the long run.

Perhaps we should take another look at Tesco v Shoprite and how the latter bust a gut to make sure the former didn't get another foothold on the Island. I for one have always considered Shoprite to be more expensive with dubious supply (by which i mean selling out of date stuff) yet they still prosper and appear to have the ear of the right people. 

In better times Saturday boats and planes are full of people off to their beloved Liverpool 1 to shop. The result here is we probably have the worst town centre in Great Britain. It is absolutely desperate. 

I think i've gone off topic a bit and quite forgotten the point i was making but hey ho

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10 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

How about maintaining a low tax, low unemployment economy for the last five years despite COVID etc?

I think that would be deemed a success in most people’s eyes. Think that is worth more than the odd IT niggle in the Census process.

Maybe its the nature of such a forum to focus on the negatives but there does seem to be a pack mentality on here determined to do nothing but criticise.

Of course the actions of the Government should be scrutinized and they deserve to be called to account when necessary. They have made mistakes but the amount and level of vitriol on here is completely disproportionate. The amount and volume of vehemence given to any small judgements of error, and personal insults obscure any legitimate complaints.

I for one just stop reading any posting that starts with “fat howie” at that point as I don’t think the author has any credibility whatever they may have to say.

But if it was run better there’s another penny in the pound to come off income tax.

ask an MHK a straight question as to whether the Island is becoming skint. You’ll be lucky to get a straight answer 

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