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Taxpayers to dig for £20M for Liverpool Dock


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16 minutes ago, asitis said:

Ahhh, Eddies favourite phase , the house stood by whilst he rolled this one out at every turn, whilst they pissed away 30 million of taxpayers cash ! 

How much more than the £30million of taxpayers cash have they frittered away since. 

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53 minutes ago, asitis said:

Ahhh, Eddies favourite phase , the house stood by whilst he rolled this one out at every turn, whilst they pissed away 30 million of taxpayers cash ! 

And who was accountable for that, what sanctions did they face, who ended up paying for it?

Answers, nobody, none and the taxpayer. As with the MEA before it and Lord knows what else that have seen millions of pounds tipped down the black hole of incompetence and Government employees and mates while services, including health, to the taxpayer are stretched and cut with ever-rising taxes and fees.

AC himself spoke of "a bow-wave of unfinished and over-budget projects" during his Budget speech 10 months ago.

The IoM Government is simply unfit to govern in matters of Fiscal prudence and it's becoming increasingly obvious.

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24 minutes ago, finlo said:

Anyone know what thread the 'fritterometer' was on?


On 2/4/2011 at 2:34 PM, Tweek said:

I'm not discouraged at all...I think the figure of £2.19 odd Billion wasted is not so far fetched. I hope IOM newspapers do something far more researched and detailed prior to the election. It is based on fairly tangible evidence so far. I think there are probably several other hundreds of wasted £millions (various dribs and drabs) yet to be added to this 'wasted' list.


It is a total that is quite shocking. More worrying, is that most of this waste has occured in the last 5 years, some going back 10 years.


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12 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Honesty when it comes to their failures is not and never has been the strong suite.

I agree but I don’t see why they shouldn’t explain fully why they supported this. If he isn’t prepared to give me his reasons in writing then I’ll take it further. And the tired old line that it would cost more to not follow through on this doesn’t wash with me either. Ashford already looks like he’s lining up to be the worst Treasury Minister we’ll ever have. 

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8 minutes ago, Petefella said:

I agree but I don’t see why they shouldn’t explain fully why they supported this. If he isn’t prepared to give me his reasons in writing then I’ll take it further. And the tired old line that it would cost more to not follow through on this doesn’t wash with me either. Ashford already looks like he’s lining up to be the worst Treasury Minister we’ll ever have. 

TBH, I think it's a bit unfair to blame any of the current Ministers at the moment, they've all only been in post for a couple of months and will still be learning the reins of their various Departments (although given that, the amount that Crookall has gone public with already re. the DOI is scary).

However, the Departmental staff below them are old hands and these are the ones who need to be held to account.

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I’m not doubting you but I’d be interested to know what he’s done to give you that opinion. 

He’s been my MHK for over 5 years now and has proven himself to be totally useless at everything he’s done. The letter is the last straw really. If he can’t be bothered answering why he’s backing what is basically gross incompetent he might as well not bother as he’s already proven himself to be incompetent at every other opportunity before this. 

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6 hours ago, Happier diner said:

Outrageous, unacceptable, disastrous. I agree.

Sadly - 'unlawful' - Probably not.

Thankfully no. If you could bother to read previous posts you will see I don't excuse the mess. I merely try to attempt to explain how we got here and how recovering is not simple.

In that case I apologise unequivocally.

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No way such a ridiculous idea, it is going to cost north of £40 million to get out of this deal.    It is a case of we are where we are and looking to the future when things will get back to normal and we get our Tourist industry back.   Doom and Gloom merchants are ruining the Isle of Man and we could very well do without them.   Quite a few businesses that floundered due to Covid were floundering anyway, the ones that didn’t get help was usually for the reason that they were behind in their I TIP payments or their tax affairs were not in order, not all, but a lot.   A group of us went out to a local restaurant for a meal last week and they had had a few cancellations although there were a quite a few diners in, if they don’t get these people back in January it won’t be because of Covid it will be because the meal was crap and the drinks overpriced, we have booked to go elsewhere next month.   Like Brexit before Covid is now getting blamed for everything increasing prices and giving portions is not the answer the cream always rises to the top.

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8 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Doom and Gloom merchants are ruining the Isle of Man and we could very well do without them.   Quite a few businesses that floundered due to Covid were floundering anyway, the ones that didn’t get help was usually for the reason that they were behind in their I TIP payments or their tax affairs were not in order, not all, but a lot.  

I’m sorry but thoroughly incompetent civil servants are destroying the IOM as the £70m demonstrates. I actually find that comment about businesses totally offensive. We didn’t ask to be shut down for the best part of a year by moronic civil servants (who still all got paid btw). I’ve paid full taxes for 30 years and the support still has not been enough to keep me above water. The only saving grace was the salary scheme which at least took wages off your books for a few months. 

Edited by Petefella
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