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The potential impact of Brexit on the Crown Dependencies


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Doesn't matter how much you cry hboy, it's happening and there's nothing you nor I can do about it.

There's nothing anyone can do about it and to me David Davis has "fall guy" written into his dna...

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Doesn't matter how much you cry hboy, it's happening and there's nothing you nor I can do about it.


This. I wish people would just get on with their life instead of bleating about something they can't influence.

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Doesn't matter how much you cry hboy, it's happening and there's nothing you nor I can do about it.


This. I wish people would just get on with their life instead of bleating about something they can't influence.



But will potentially be influenced by...


"Oh no I am about to get hit by a car"...."Stop moaning about it and just lay down in the road and wait for the tyres to go over you"

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The word being "potentially". Could also "potentially" be extremely positive. Most of the bleating is not so much about our economic prospects; it is more about many self-righteous individuals in high and not so high places, who think they know what is best for everyone, having their strategy of how things should proceed in perpetuity comprehensively derailed. That's why there is such hand wringing.

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Doesn't matter how much you cry hboy, it's happening and there's nothing you nor I can do about it.

What a stupid statement. It's a shame Winston Churchill didn't think like that when faced with Hitler. It's happening there's nothing i can do. Best just meet him at Dover and hand over the entire country to the Germans.


What an utterly foolish statement to make. There's lots we can all do about things we don't like.

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If we'd had the population in 1939 that we have now, that's precisely what we'd have done. Nothing. They'd have been too busy telling us how it was all our own fault for being so beastly after the first war and we brought it all on ourselves. Stress levels would be through the roof of course. Everyone would be on happy pills and the compo lawyers would have a field day with "hurt feelings" claims.

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Doesn't matter how much you cry hboy, it's happening and there's nothing you nor I can do about it.

What a stupid statement. It's a shame Winston Churchill didn't think like that when faced with Hitler. It's happening there's nothing i can do. Best just meet him at Dover and hand over the entire country to the Germans.


What an utterly foolish statement to make. There's lots we can all do about things we don't like.

What a stupid statement. You've just actually compared a world war with a decision to leave a political union.


What an utterly foolish statement to make.

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uk would be at least 13% better off under wto.....


The link below is very educational if you take time to read it...Might alleviate some silly comment.....


Also, the Isle of Man is in the WTO by extension from the UK but as ever there are grey areas thus your whole position is subject to the end of Protocol 3, vagaries of the WTO in your case apparently as regards both the EU and the rest of the world plus the danger that at the end of the day the EU owes you nothing by way of indulgence...


You face uncertain times all round far more than the UK does...I suggest that you have by far the biggest headache..And you are not sovereign. Also whatever the UK agrees does not extend to you not being part of the metropolitan entity of the UK.



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uk would be at least 13% better off under wto.....


The link below is very educational if you take time to read it...Might alleviate some silly comment.....


Also, the Isle of Man is in the WTO by extension from the UK but as ever there are grey areas thus your whole position is subject to the end of Protocol 3, vagaries of the WTO in your case apparently as regards both the EU and the rest of the world plus the danger that at the end of the day the EU owes you nothing by way of indulgence...


You face uncertain times all round far more than the UK does...I suggest that you have by far the biggest headache..And you are not sovereign. Also whatever the UK agrees does not extend to you not being part of the metropolitan entity of the UK.




no need to,its taken from actual uk figures.....

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Put a sock in it Barrie. You've been reading the last rites for the last 20 years to my knowledge. OK, times are and will be challenging and the Government needs to take drastic action to curb its excesses, but trade from, to and within the Island will continue as ever.

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