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rising anti semitism nipped in the bud thank god

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It is funny how every time Muslims committ brutal acts of murder against British people, it's British people who are immediately the ones criticised by the media and looney lefties like Richard here for being intolerant. How more intolerant can a person get than STABBING someone they disagree with?????? How about you preach to Muslims about tolerance and respect, not being bigoted, instead of preaching to the VICTIMS (British people).

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Nobody is going to take an evil genius like yourself seriously skeletor. It was mallets mallet. Some people believe that it didn't happen. Therefore, after extensive consultation with my team of lawyers at the time, it was felt that that was an acceptable answer to avoid getting hit over the head by a sponge mallet. I've been to bergen belsen- creepy place. The original post Was more of a reassurance to those like yourself that may have been concerned about the oft reported rise in anti semitism recently, was hoped to come as a relief to you that in fact some of the worst revealed threats in fact came from a jewish person. I was merely trying to put your minds at rest.

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His actions also coincided with the vandalism of Jewish graves - an increasingly common phenomenon.


Which he is not accused of taking part in. The Jewish community is so abused and individual Jews not taken seriously when the perpetrator is a Muslim (because the police don't want to be accused of being racist) that I can quite understand a Jewish individual going completely mental and doing something which might elicit publicity for what is otherwise a very real phenomenon. The idea that this mentalist somehow debunks the REAL antisemitism out there, is a silly idea. The antisemitism IS real, and it's the reason this guy has lost his marbles.

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Jewish cemeteries being desecrated is such a common occurrence that it is never even reported in the press. The same goes for attacks on Jews. It must be frustrating for this to happen on a daily basis but for nobody to listen. No wonder this guy went nuts and staged some things in order to generate the publicity that SHOULD have existed in the first place.


I find it funny that you have 1,000 incidents, yet Stinky grasps onto 1 nutter, as if it somehow disproves the rest. Might want to lookup LOGIC on wikipedia.

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