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rising anti semitism nipped in the bud thank god

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Not me squire. I wouldn't even know what a jewish grave looks like. How do they differ from other graves which get vandalised?


Jewish CEMETERIES invariably have "JEWISH CEMETERY" written on them. If in doubt, a load of Star of David symbols or a Menorah symbol are usually a big clue.

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How do you know?

Woolley, is it possible to say that an analysis of the evidence makes it reasonable to suppose squirrels do not exist on the IOM and therefore it is unnecessary for B&Q to stock squirrel related merchandise?


Subsitute a certain definition of "God" - say loving - for "Squirrels"; "intervene" for "exist"; the "earth" for "B&Q"; and "take religious claims seriously" for "B&Q stocking squirrel stuff" and you do have an argument which is credible for challenging certain sorts of Natural Theology.


I totally agree this process only works for certain definitions of God - a loving, intervening one etc, so fatshaft has mightily over-reached, but the Gods of religion are far meatier propositions than the thin gruel left after examining the space natural theology actually leaves for a god in a philosophy which actually takes evidence seriously.


I really recommend this book it seriously attempts to answer your question and leaves credulous Theologians hung out to dry.


God in the Age of Science?: A Critique Of Religious Reason by Herman Philipse.


My post was merely an assertion in the form of a rhetorical question. Nobody can possibly state categorically that there is no god because as a species we have no idea about the nature of our own existence. It follows, therefore, that we cannot possibly know or begin to understand what led to the state of affairs that we are in and of, what caused it, what perpetuates it or ultimately what will become of it. We are not worthy.

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