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The Marine Le Pen thread


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What a shame that the art of discussion is almost dead on the Forums at the moment. Replaced with self-proclaimers and insulters bickering. 

Left wing and right wing are simple monikers which compress a huge amount of complexity. 

We are meant to be unpacking that complexity but rather are further reducing it to "I am right" bickering with no attempt to explain. 


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10 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

What a shame that the art of discussion is almost dead on the Forums at the moment. Replaced with self-proclaimers and insulters bickering. 

Left wing and right wing are simple monikers which compress a huge amount of complexity. 

We are meant to be unpacking that complexity but rather are further reducing it to "I am right" bickering with no attempt to explain. 


Says you, you simpleton.

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

What a shame that the art of discussion is almost dead on the Forums at the moment. Replaced with self-proclaimers and insulters bickering. 

Left wing and right wing are simple monikers which compress a huge amount of complexity. 

We are meant to be unpacking that complexity but rather are further reducing it to "I am right" bickering with no attempt to explain. 


I fear that this is the way that debate and politics is heading.  There have been plenty of examples on these forums where users have failed to cite sources of information but we also have Politicians doing the same thing.  They make promises based on the populist opinion but cannot actually back up what they say in reality.  A certain big red bus would be a good example of this.

The internet is merely acting as an echo chamber for people of all views and further polarising views.  Trying to engage in a reasoned debate is virtually impossible and therefore extremist views grow and become more entrenched.

It is a worrying trend. 

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

What a shame that the art of discussion is almost dead on the Forums at the moment. Replaced with self-proclaimers and insulters bickering. 

Left wing and right wing are simple monikers which compress a huge amount of complexity. 

We are meant to be unpacking that complexity but rather are further reducing it to "I am right" bickering with no attempt to explain. 


I think that this is unsurprising. It's not just the forums. It is only reflecting wider society.

The reason for it is that for decades the centrist/EU/Liberal/Globalisation writ ran and brooked no denial. It was their way or the highway. All debate was closed down and anyone who had views beyond that closed narrative was beyond the pale - extremist, racist, islamophopic, nutcase, etc. Resentment grew in silence. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, that pressure has been released. People see it as acceptable to state alternative views, they are doing so robustly and the establishment interests suddenly don't understand what has happened or what has hit them. They didn't even realise that there was a massive constituency that didn't see the world as they do and they are shocked to the core. Consequently, given their starting points any discussion between the two sides that might otherwise be constructive quickly degenerates into a slanging match.

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32 minutes ago, woolley said:

All debate was closed down and anyone who had views beyond that closed narrative was beyond the pale - extremist, racist, islamophopic, nutcase, etc.

How do you debate with the likes of Britain First, EDL, BNP, etc?

The rise of neo-Nazism in this country (you know the one that fought against the Nazis) is scary and groups like those listed above are the more "polite" side of that growing movement.





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