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Charity shops, Crisis at Christmas, church driven food banks and so forth.

Personal info here I accepted an early retirement \ redundancy package at aged 53 and was so grateful I felt duty bound to give something back.

We all have our crosses to bear...

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

The freedom of movement for EU nationals is not the issue.  The issue is illegal immigration and overstaying visas and that is not going to change because the UK leaves the EU.  It will remain a problem, especially if the UK promotes itself as being a land of opportunity free from the rule of the EU.  People will want to go there, to try and make a better life.  Do you blame them? 



freedom of movement is the problem the impact on the nhs and services are massive, go and look at the council estates full of this scum, uk has no control over outside immigration


it was pointed out on the beeb last week that eu immigration stood at 3million 10 years ago now it stands at 3.2million, do you believe them cos i don't.....

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Charity shops, Crisis at Christmas, church driven food banks and so forth.

Personal info here I accepted an early retirement \ redundancy package at aged 53 and was so grateful I felt duty bound to give something back.

We all have our crosses to bear...

with you been a cu*t....

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35 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So you know all about all the voluntary stuff I' ve done over the years?

Errr don' t think so somehow!

Stop judging others by your own moral standards. Some, like me, not only care about others but actually do something about it.

Unlike you I suspect.

I will not vote Labour because, as you alluded to, their holistic approach to social welfare.

Because of my voluntary work I don't have any harsh lessons to learn. So less of the insults tory boy...

It was a question, not an accusation. Your reaction says a lot. And thanks for your incorrect assumption about what I do or don't do. The harsh lessons have nothing to do with volunteering as you will discover if you live long enough.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

freedom of movement is the problem the impact on the nhs and services are massive, go and look at the council estates full of this scum, uk has no control over outside immigration


it was pointed out on the beeb last week that eu immigration stood at 3million 10 years ago now it stands at 3.2million, do you believe them cos i don't.....

Haha!  Care to cite any evidence for your claim that council estates are full of EU scum?  The last time I was on a UK council estate the majority of voices I heard were British.  I won't call them scum but they were certainly not working or contributing to the economy.  Maybe though I just happened to visit the exception.

The real drain on the state are the illegal immigrants.  They don't pay taxes, they work illegally, may engage in crime and take a lot of resources to track down.  That does not suit your view though so I am sure you will ignore it, probably call me a libtard or some other witty name ending in tard. 

I am surprised that you referred to the Daily Mail as the dailyfail because you seem like its target audience. 

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8 minutes ago, llap said:

All very amusing to see leftists who were responsible for millions of deaths in the 20th century calling right people extremist.

Who are you referring to?


In my own opinion (and as I've said many times on here before) the extremes of all sides are bad news. In this case I would consider the extreme left as bad as the extreme right.

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Those in power who have subsumed their own culture to accommodate and excuse barbaric practices brought in among aliens who, in the interests of all humanity, should never have been brought to Europe in massive numbers.

Woolley is this really only about Muslims - are you fine with Poles and Afro-Caribbeans?

Did you have the same opinion of the Irish in the 70s and 80s?

Is this based on personal experience?

Have you been scarred by of the changes that have occurred in Leeds, Bradford, Leicester and Bolton or something?

You seem really certain that Muslims will essentially always be Muslims and will not undergo social and cultural change - and are always a threat to our way of life ... is there something fundamentally different than Poles and Africans?  

I'm not trying to goad you, but you seem certain multi-religious societies cannot exist, I'm not sure if you think the same about multi-ethnic communities.  Are you certain this isn't an exaggerated position.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

It was a question, not an accusation. Your reaction says a lot. And thanks for your incorrect assumption about what I do or don't do. The harsh lessons have nothing to do with volunteering as you will discover if you live long enough.

I have volunteered information. You have not. Unlike most on here I don't pretend to know everything about everyone.

"harsh lessons have nothing to do with volunteering" is just the opinion of just some bloke posting on an anonymous internet forum. And that's all it is. Like you have some personal insights into my experiences? Bit pathetic really. Actually very pathetic really.

Still, at least your little forum puupydog quilp still loves you. Yap yap yap...

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Why you're still sniping at me is a mystery. If I like a post it's usually because I agree with it. Or find it funny. Even you can be remotely funny sometimes, when you can fit it in between your self-congratulation and smug snobbery.

Would I comment on who 'likes' your posts? No, what would be the point? Yet you use it in the insultive.

Give it a rest. 

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35 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I have volunteered information. You have not. Unlike most on here I don't pretend to know everything about everyone.

"harsh lessons have nothing to do with volunteering" is just the opinion of just some bloke posting on an anonymous internet forum. And that's all it is. Like you have some personal insights into my experiences? Bit pathetic really. Actually very pathetic really.


We're all just some bloke posting on an anonymous internet forum, you muppet. You keep saying it. So what? You've not volunteered any information because we don't know (and don't care!) who the devil you are.

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Woolley is this really only about Muslims - are you fine with Poles and Afro-Caribbeans?

Did you have the same opinion of the Irish in the 70s and 80s?

Is this based on personal experience?

Have you been scarred by of the changes that have occurred in Leeds, Bradford, Leicester and Bolton or something?

You seem really certain that Muslims will essentially always be Muslims and will not undergo social and cultural change - and are always a threat to our way of life ... is there something fundamentally different than Poles and Africans?  

I'm not trying to goad you, but you seem certain multi-religious societies cannot exist, I'm not sure if you think the same about multi-ethnic communities.  Are you certain this isn't an exaggerated position.

I'm fine with everyone at a human individual level. I am not racist.

I'm not fine with excess mass immigration unbalancing the nature of what was a largely homogenous Christian society for many centuries in these islands. It will ultimately lead to the downfall of that society. There is inevitably some achilles heel that brings down a civilisation, usually brought on by complacency such as we see all around us in our current time, and amply evidenced here.

I'm more in favour of homogenous societies in a diverse world than diverse societies in a homogenous world which is the logical conclusion of where we are heading. I would prefer to see the world in a glory of diverse peoples mainly in their homelands than some kind of "melting pot" world where everything and everyone and every shopping mall, for that matter, is a clone of everywhere else.

I don't see the Irish as foreigners as they are native to the British Isles and the interbreeding within the peoples of the islands is of huge proportions. Most of us, myself included have grandparents from various parts of the islands. I have an Irish and a Scottish grandparent.

A small amount of immigration is good for a society. It doesn't matter particularly who they are or where they are from provided they contribute and are prepared to accept the primacy of the indigenous population. Poles, other Europeans and many of the Africans, West Indians, etc. tend to be Christians so they have a head start in integration. Their demographics are also not an issue in the same way that Islam is.

Muslims are a particular problem because of the large influx and birth rate in a few decades and the fact that successive generations are becoming less rather than more British. Bradford, Oldham, Blackburn  etc, (there are many more places than you list) are becoming segregated along racial lines. I don't, thankfully, have daily personal experience of it but I have close family members who do, and, having seen it for myself at first hand, extremely intimidatory it is. It ill behoves those who don't have to contend with it as a backdrop to their everyday lives, for example, while living in a largely unaffected offshore island, to minimise the difficulties of those who do.

As a nation, as a continent, we are soft and complacent. Far from being exaggerated, this problem has been criminally neglected for many decades. Can I be certain that Muslims will always be Muslims and will not integrate? Yes. The nature of Islam is that the first allegiance of the faithful is to the worldwide Ummah and not to any nation state. It is a sacred bond. On the other hand, can you be certain that they will?


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