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The Marine Le Pen thread


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The reason places like Bradford, Blackburn and Oldham have got the reputation for being dominated by Asians is largely as a result of Government policy to locate people into these areas.  This is/was a stupid policy for several reasons but includes the fact that they are economically poor areas but that did mean cheap housing for Government I suppose.  

When people can choose where to live then you don't get this problem to the same extent.  Unless of course it is in Spain and the immigrants are British.

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I don't particularly agree with your views on this subject Woolley, but you've explained them fairly well there. 

When I was much younger there was that hotel school over here and I worked briefly in McDonalds which was mostly staffed from there. I met people from different parts of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, and they were all lovely. The disgusting spiteful attitude shown to those people by white dickheads has probably influenced my outlook on life and deep cynicism of everything.




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4 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't particularly agree with your views on this subject Woolley, but you've explained them fairly well there. 

When I was much younger there was that hotel school over here and I worked briefly in McDonalds which was mostly staffed from there. I met people from different parts of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, and they were all lovely. The disgusting spiteful attitude shown to those people by white dickheads has probably influenced my outlook on life and deep cynicism of everything.




I fully agree, Teapot. I know some lovely individual Muslims. In fact one of my interests is in a pursuit where I am in a group of them and I am the only white person present. What you saw in the "dickheads" is the ugly side of human nature, and that is the downfall that awaits us all because of "those who will not see". There are "dickheads" in every group who rouse the rabble.

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16 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

The reason places like Bradford, Blackburn and Oldham have got the reputation for being dominated by Asians is largely as a result of Government policy to locate people into these areas.  This is/was a stupid policy for several reasons but includes the fact that they are economically poor areas but that did mean cheap housing for Government I suppose.  

When people can choose where to live then you don't get this problem to the same extent.  Unless of course it is in Spain and the immigrants are British.

They actually gravitated to those old mill towns to work in the textile industry when it was still kicking, and later arrivals because they were established in those areas. Then white flight took hold and we are where we are. Many of the Brits in Spain are a total embarrassment who won't learn the language and despise the Spanish.

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12 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Who are you referring to?


In my own opinion (and as I've said many times on here before) the extremes of all sides are bad news. In this case I would consider the extreme left as bad as the extreme right.

Millions killed by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Jung Whatshisface. All leftists. Yes, the Soviet Union and Chinese government are exactly what every leftist ultimately believes in if their support for the EU and ridiculous belief in "direct democracy" (read: unelected know it alls like themselves making all the laws) are anything to go by.

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1 minute ago, llap said:

Millions killed by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Jung Whatshisface. All leftists. Yes, the Soviet Union and Chinese government are exactly what every leftist ultimately believes in if their support for the EU and ridiculous belief in "direct democracy" (read: unelected know it alls like themselves making all the laws) are anything to go by.

Oh dear lord...

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2 minutes ago, llap said:

See what I mean? These leftist "democrats" always assume they speak on behalf of the entire world. Political narcissistism of the highest order.

Maybe if you presented some facts rather than you're opinion, you might get taken a bit more seriously.

Or you could ask more questions about high school science that a 30 second google search could answer

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