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The Marine Le Pen thread


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13 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Haha!  Care to cite any evidence for your claim that council estates are full of EU scum?  The last time I was on a UK council estate the majority of voices I heard were British.  I won't call them scum but they were certainly not working or contributing to the economy.  Maybe though I just happened to visit the exception.

The real drain on the state are the illegal immigrants.  They don't pay taxes, they work illegally, may engage in crime and take a lot of resources to track down.  That does not suit your view though so I am sure you will ignore it, probably call me a libtard or some other witty name ending in tard. 

I am surprised that you referred to the Daily Mail as the dailyfail because you seem like its target audience. 

take a trip to sheffield or most of lincolnshire, norfolk etc. and see how its changed over the last few years, full of eu scum...

all immigrants in the uk are controlled by the eu-fact...

do you believe migration has only gone up by 200k in the last 10 years.......


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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

Speak for yourself...you muppet.

I speak for us all in this regard. We are all posting on an anonymous forum. You put a name to it. So what? May or may not be your real name. It gives you no special kudos. I don't know you any more than I did when you were rmanx, and I don't relate to you any differently for better or for worse. You are still some random bloke posting the same stuff.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

May or may not be your real name

I have shown my driving licence to a Mod.  The one with the same name as my profile.

The difference between you and me, is I am willing to put my real name to my posts and opinions and not some anonymous made up personae that you may or may not be using.

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25 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Ahem that would be Woolley who decided to go off on that tangent...

Er, no. Read the thread. It was a PK meltdown where he started going on about "is just the opinion of just some bloke posting on an anonymous internet forum" despite him being just some bloke posting on an anonymous internet forum. I was merely pointing out the irony before getting back on topic. You came along and started it up again because you were feeling good about yourself and your name.

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