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56 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You're right of course.  There is no discussing a complicated and delicate subject like the Israel/Palestine situation with a such a ardent Zionist.

That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever called me on here. Thank you for the compliment. :)

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21 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Corrected for accuracy, unless you'd like to give us a time frame?

You have not corrected it, Richard, you have made it incorrect. Even on the most optimistic view, as I said, nothing is for ever in human affairs. Everything has its time and then it dies. Even the UK will fall apart at some stage, despite having been the centre of the most powerful empire the world has ever known. So will the USA. The EU, sickly assembly of reluctant misfit participants that it is, held together by a mixture of coercion, avarice, temptation and patronage will fail quicker than most. Do you think it is going to last for ever? I'd say five to ten years of increasing decline, but of course, I don't have a crystal ball. May be a bit longer. May be next year.

Strange how intelligent people seem unable to view the present day through the prism of long term human experience going back millennia. They prefer to think that we are somehow special, and for us, it will all be different.

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Of course all things fail in time Captain Obvious.

But you talk with almost absolute certainty that it will fail in the very near future i.e. in the next couple of years.

Got to love "prohpets"...make the claim vague and the time frame "woolley" and you can predict pretty much anything...

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28 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I am not denying it, a la Canute.

I am just allowing a wider potential time scale than you.  But then you want it to fail and the sooner the better.

I do. Because Europe will be better off without it. I just hope it doesn't collapse in flames because of the constraints it has attempted to bind disparate economies into.

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