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The Marine Le Pen thread


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Who cares what the morons in the media say? They lie about Le Pen just as they lie about Trump. They are FAKE NEWS.


I go by what SHE says and what SHE does. Judge her by her policies and actions.


Great response, I can't possibly compete with such high standards of debate. Its so simple, everything you say and write is unquestionably correct, anything supported by difference references from different political viewpoints is FAKE NEWS.

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Why would Jews vote for the Le Pen when she is running as the ticket for the party her father started, the convicted racist and anti-Semite that has repeatedly been charged for anti-Semitic views? Views she has not distanced herself from or denounced?


We all know how the term "anti-semite" gets thrown around, just like the racism card. There are many people, people who are friends of Israel and who have nothing but respect for Jews, who are referred to as anti-semites by some groups. For example, the Anti-Defamation League. They're well known propagandists for the state of Israel who throw the label at anyone who criticises Israel. Even Jews Norman Finkelstein and Chumpsky get routinely called antisemites by the ADL. It's hilarious.

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Why would Jews vote for the Le Pen when she is running as the ticket for the party her father started, the convicted racist and anti-Semite that has repeatedly been charged for anti-Semitic views? Views she has not distanced herself from or denounced?


We all know how the term "anti-semite" gets thrown around, just like the racism card. There are many people, people who are friends of Israel and who have nothing but respect for Jews, who are referred to as anti-semites by some groups. For example, the Anti-Defamation League. They're well known propagandists for the state of Israel who throw the label at anyone who criticises Israel. Even Jews Norman Finkelstein and Chumpsky get routinely called antisemites by the ADL. It's hilarious.



And by now, we all know how the term "fake news" now gets thrown around to deflect any embarassing coverage of person "x" or argument "x".

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People are free to vote however they like, and the reason Le pen is popular is they're pretty much the only anti immigration party. Not our politics, not our business to get involved in, let them vote for whom they wish

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People are free to vote however they like, and the reason Le pen is popular is they're pretty much the only anti immigration party. Not our politics, not our business to get involved in, let them vote for whom they wish


Yes because not being interested or involved in the spread of far right extremism isn't something that we should be interested in.


I mean it totally worked out okay in the 30's in Europe right?

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(oh goody, another one who thinks that Dick is in some way a cutting barb...c- must try harder)


So you disagree that far right parties gaining popularity by blaming all of societies ills on some far off "super power" (EU/Allied Nations) or a section of society that is easy to demonise (Jews/Gays/Muslims).


Using figure heads who use rhetoric and grand standing, while using popular and sensationalist language (Farage/Trump/Le Pen/Hitler) to whip the misguided hate of the masses.


No...there are no similarities between the rise Nazi movement of the 20's/30's and what is happening now...

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