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The Marine Le Pen thread


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Just now, woolley said:

Well the FN know they will not win this election anyway. It is but one battle in a long struggle. Macron will disappoint because he is of the establishment. All presentation and no substance, just like Blair. As people wake up to what is happening in their country the worm will eventually turn, even in France.

Ah woolley the doomsayer...

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9 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well the FN know they will not win this election anyway. It is but one battle in a long struggle. Macron will disappoint because he is of the establishment. All presentation and no substance, just like Blair. As people wake up to what is happening in their country the worm will eventually turn, even in France.

Forgot to add:

Another example of your smug "I know I am right, everyone else is wrong , only I can see the true way things will develop and everyone else is a blind sheep".

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Not "everyone else" anymore though is it? The tide is turning. That is why the liberals are in tumult. The path we have been on for decades will lead to civil unrest for certain. Already has in fact. A reassertion of national pride and purpose might just possible avoid far worse.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

Not "everyone else" anymore though is it? The tide is turning. That is why the liberals are in tumult. The path we have been on for decades will lead to civil unrest for certain. Already has in fact. A reassertion of national pride and purpose might just possible avoid far worse.


Now we have that out of the way,

There is a difference between national pride and dangerous nationalism.

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Just stick his sockpuppets on ignore, it's easier that way. But yes, Macron seems to have the election down pat, which is fine. He could even get the majority of Le Pen voters on his side if he'd toughen his immigration stance.

The SOLE reason that Le Pen has gone from a fringe party to a presidential candidate has been the failure of previous parties to deal with the Muslim problem.

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