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The Marine Le Pen thread


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I just watched the first hour of the video Fuller kindly posted. Macron reminds me of Tony Blair. Yuck. I like Le Pen's policy of sector salary and pension negotiations rather than business by business. She made a salient point that the business by business idea of Macron would lead to a race to the bottom and make it uncompetitive for small and medium sized businesses and allow large transnational corporations to take over due to their economy of scale. Ignore all the media propaganda: this woman has some good policies and all the baggage with her dad and former party is just a distraction. Macron struck me as not believing his own words. He has the eyes of a liar and con man as he speaks. I hope she wipes the grin of his face on the election day.

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28 minutes ago, woolley said:

I note that Obama is backing Macron and has come out to support him publicly. Obviously learned nothing from his Brexit intervention. Something else these fellows in their conceit.

One loser backing another. Cute.

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15 hours ago, Tarne said:

Obama won twice... 

Only because Ron Paul had the Repuvkxian nomination STOLEN from him. The Republican loser establishment would rather lose to their pal Obama than allow a real republican like Ron Paul win. 

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2 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You mean the same Republican loser establishment that fought pretty much every single thing Obama did and even ground the country to a stand still ?

So you agree they're losers.....


However, you're actually wrong. Under Obama there was plenty of bipartisan agreement between establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats. They're tweedledum and tweeedee. Where there was opposition was from non establishment Republicans with ObamaCare. Look at the military interventions, all bipartisan, as was the TPP, etc.

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