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The Marine Le Pen thread


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1 hour ago, woolley said:

In fact, I surprise myself in saying I think I prefer Corbyn. At least he is a real person who believes in his socialist agenda. Blair was all style over substance wanting power for its own sake. Never a Labour man. That is the problem with the centre - trying to be all things to all men - as the French will soon discover with Macron. 

No doubt Mrs May loves him too. Social democratic policies won three general elections for Labour. At present, the U.K. has no credible opposition. 

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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

So is she. They're French. If the entire village hasn't been through a girl by the time she's 15 they think there's something odd about her.

Pretty much like here then

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

doesn't change the fact....

Not sure how you can assert a fact when the event wasn't even over but hey ho.


Turnout was lower than normal for French elections (presumably showing that both candidates were unloved by the remainder of the electorate) but still significantly higher than UK elections for many years and higher than the turnout for the EU referendum.

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