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The Marine Le Pen thread


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12 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

So Austria, The Netherlands and now France have all rejected right wing, nationalist candidates.  What does this mean for the alleged fall of the EU?  

I am fairly certain that some on here predicted that one the UK voted to leave then the rest would follow.  It appears that our European cousins have resolutely backed the EU even with all its faults.

45% voted for anti eu candidates in the first round, hardly outstanding support for the eu,

lets face it, 4% hollande knew him and his loopy left party are finished so stuck up a sock puppet and the thick cheeseeatingsurrendermonkeys fell for it.....

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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

45% voted for anti eu candidates in the first round, hardly outstanding support for the eu,

lets face it, 4% hollande knew him and his loopy left party are finished so stuck up a sock puppet and the thick cheeseeatingsurrendermonkeys fell for it.....

That's funny....  In the EU referendum in the UK 48% voted against leaving the EU.  Using you reasoning that is hardly outstanding support for Brexit.

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5 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

That's funny....  In the EU referendum in the UK 48% voted against leaving the EU.  Using you reasoning that is hardly outstanding support for Brexit.

the point been that the anti eu vote is getting bigger,

give france another few years,  zero change at the top and a declining eu to see the outcome.....

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8 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the point been that the anti eu vote is getting bigger,

give france another few years,  zero change at the top and a declining eu to see the outcome.....

Thank you for the reply.  I can at least see your reasoning now, however, as I said we have seen voters post the UK referendum electing pro-EU governments in countries where it was widely reported that anti-EU parties would be voted into power.  What we are seeing in the UK is a highly motivated group (or groups) that wanted out of the EU for a whole variety of reasons who got their supporters to vote.  I would imagine we will see a similar trend in the general election, albeit that UKIP will lose out as the Tory party will take some of their voters now they are going for a hard brexit.  

As I said on the Uk general election thread I believe that the Tory party will win an even greater majority mainly because those voters who would not want a Tory Government will be split between Labour, Lib Dem, Greens & SNP (the last one being for Scotland only obviously).  It is interesting to note that the Lib Dems & Green party are now trying to ensure that their supporters vote Labour where they have a chance to beat a Tory candidate.

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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

Thank you for the reply.  I can at least see your reasoning now, however, as I said we have seen voters post the UK referendum electing pro-EU governments in countries where it was widely reported that anti-EU parties would be voted into power.  What we are seeing in the UK is a highly motivated group (or groups) that wanted out of the EU for a whole variety of reasons who got their supporters to vote.  I would imagine we will see a similar trend in the general election, albeit that UKIP will lose out as the Tory party will take some of their voters now they are going for a hard brexit.  

As I said on the Uk general election thread I believe that the Tory party will win an even greater majority mainly because those voters who would not want a Tory Government will be split between Labour, Lib Dem, Greens & SNP (the last one being for Scotland only obviously).  It is interesting to note that the Lib Dems & Green party are now trying to ensure that their supporters vote Labour where they have a chance to beat a Tory candidate.

as the eu shows its real face and turns nasty, greater support for exit will happen, the last uk poll showed support at 70% for leaving the eu.

the more juncker and tusk etc. speak the more support the tories will get, and expect a european backlash if any eu country loses trade, visitors or access to the uk....

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I am not sure I follow your.logic Wooley. Why would the youth in France be against the EU and the youth in the UK be in favour of it? 

I think your analysis is far simplistic. 


Not a lot of time this morning, Manxman, but I did actually ponder that very dichotomy while making the post last night. It's a good point for debate I grant you.

I too was quite surprised by the strength of support for Le Pen from the young in the election, but it is factual and on record. Briefly, I think that the difference is that they are closer to the centre of the EU, in Schengen, in the euro and they see their communities being destroyed by the policies of the past few decades, so much so that even former communists have swung behind Le Pen.

In Britain, they have bought into the fantasy without taking into consideration the ugly effects of the EU and loss of control. And of course UK has never had the euro or Schengen so we have had a more sanitised version. It was always a staging post to the superstate though, so Brexit is a massive spanner in the works for them, not to mention a mighty big hole in the pocket.

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58 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Thanks to the likes of woolley and woody2, I am on a sure thing to win a game of right wing bingo I am playing.

What is "right wing bingo"? Sounds like something some bleeding heart moron thought up.

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45% voted for anti eu candidates in the first round, hardly outstanding support for the eu,

Compared to the winning majority of last year's UK vote its a * landslide result!

Edit ; of course you could then use the same flawed logic to conclude that this anti vote changed to 34% 2 weeks later

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