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The Marine Le Pen thread


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24 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

The EU is just responding to the tactics being used by Theresa May.  The EU must represent the interests of the remaining member states.  If May used a more conciliatory tone then I am sure the EU would respond in kind.  As we are now committed to Brexit, it is in everyone's interest to make it work, however, May is using it as a political toy and knows that by looking tough and being able to point to an "aggressive" EU she can make gains at the general election.  What a lot of people are missing is that the EU are only being aggressive because it is being provoked by May.  The EU had to respond to her and try and set the record straight.

If the UK loses a trade deal with the EU then it is May and her Government that should be on the receiving end of a backlash. 

eu has always been nasty just look at greece:rolleyes: most eu countries can't afford to lose uk trade and have had no growth since 2008 thanks to the eurozone....

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In the EU, the elected members only have the power to amend or affirm legislation. They have no power to formulate policy or to introduce legislation. The EU is run by an unelected bureaucracy, the EU commission. Now do you seriously want to enter into a discussion on how that is wonderful vs the US REPUBLIC and BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY? You're way out there.

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29 minutes ago, woody2 said:

eu has always been nasty just look at greece:rolleyes: most eu countries can't afford to lose uk trade and have had no growth since 2008 thanks to the eurozone....

I think most peoples/places would get a little upset at constantly having to bail our a family member/country especially when they do not repay what they owe.  The question is though what would have happened to Greece without the EU?

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9 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I think most peoples/places would get a little upset at constantly having to bail our a family member/country especially when they do not repay what they owe.  The question is though what would have happened to Greece without the EU?

Without the Euro, their government could have adjusted their fiscal policy to match their own national economic needs, as opposed to fiscal policy being set in Brussels and Luxembourg to suit economic conditions elsewhere in Europe. They'd never have ended up a third world basket case. Thank God we never joined the single currency.

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