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The Marine Le Pen thread


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I'll ask you the same question woolley ignored...


"This is the big joke of this "down trodden masses" rubbish...Do they honestly think that things will be different under the "new far right"?"

I didn't ignore it. I have other things to do too. You know very well the problems. You and I have been around it a thousand times. The difference is that you choose to ignore them.

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So jobs are suddenly going to spring into existence?


Health care waiting times are going to shrink over night?


Deficits are going to evaporate all most instantly?


Or...and I suspect that this is more likely the truth of the matter....the far right parties get into power and nothing that will really make any difference to the man on the street happens.


Even with a House and Senate majority, Trump has done sweet FA for the average American. Le Pen would be no different.

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I'll ask you the same question woolley ignored...


"This is the big joke of this "down trodden masses" rubbish...Do they honestly think that things will be different under the "new far right"?"


What "far right"? Nationalism isn't a right-wing concept. Many left-wing people are nationalists, as is the case with the SNP. There's nothing right-wing about being critical of mass immigration (not to be confused with normative immigration, which no serious person is opposed to). I think you are making a storm out of a teacup in your hysteria about the "new far right". What I see with Le Pen, UKIP and Trump is a reaction to the failed policies of the so-called "centre". The centre is really just the establishment. It doesn't really reflect the central or average opinion of ordinary people in any of these three countries. I personally find many aspects of Le Pen's policies to be ridiculous. I would prefer to see the so-called "centre" wake up, properly address the concerns of ordinary people instead of just marginalising them as "far right", when they really aren't. They're just normal people and, sadly, they're not being listened to. That's why these other parties are doing well. The options seem clear: the "centre" amend their policies, or people will continue to go toward the "right". You can't just dismiss the right. I'm left-wing myself but I can see why people would go to the right, out of frustration with the political establishment consensus who don'[t listen to them.

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Even with a House and Senate majority, Trump has done sweet FA for the average American.


Stock market increase worth trillions. Hundreds of billions of dollars of inward investment which will create jobs. Manufacturers either returning or deciding to stay in America, creating or keeping jobs. Affirmative action programmes which force manufacturers to start setting up in predominantly African American communities. Maternity pay for women. Need I go on.....

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Who cares what the morons in the media say? They lie about Le Pen just as they lie about Trump. They are FAKE NEWS.


I go by what SHE says and what SHE does. Judge her by her policies and actions.

I do believe you've blown any credibility you thought you had in this one post. Absolutely moronic, you sound like one of those trailer park hicks, you know, the ones sporting the MAGA hats.


You're an idiot, now fuck off back to GreySkull you skinny prick.

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an influx of malign alien cultures and practices from other continents

We could do with an actual proper alien invasion from space to remind us how much we have in common. I'd like to see how that would play out in The Daily Mail.


The FN is small-minded but it isn't right wing. Its up-the-workers economics is what attracts so many former Communists. It's all about the big state. But it has nothing serious to offer, only simplistic solutions and easy answers.

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I watched the Newsnight interview with Le Pen last night.


She came across to me as being just another grubby little opportunist a la Trump and Farage playing up to peoples basic fears on things like immigration.


Sound familiar? It should...

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