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The Marine Le Pen thread


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On 3/29/2017 at 11:45 AM, llap said:

By the way, I didn't say Le Pen would win. I think it could go either way. I think most people agree with her views on the Euro and mass immigration but they'll not vote for her because of hee policies on other things. Like the IOM, France has a gravy train and culture of entitlement, with many refusing to accept economic reality.

I agree with you here. The public sector in France exerts disproportionate influence and has built up an unbelievable sense of entitlement thanks to cheque writing in Brussels. They won't vote for Le Pen and Frexit in the numbers predicted. She will get a big proportion of the vote though for her stance on immigration.

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1 hour ago, llap said:

French election: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen to fight for presidency - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39689385


And the propaganda continues. Why do the liars at the BBC keep referring to her as "far right"? She strikes me as a centrist. 

Which probably says an awful lot about your views tbh. She's as right wing as they come, way over there beyond a UKIP right wing. 

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1 hour ago, llap said:

French election: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen to fight for presidency - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39689385

And the propaganda continues. Why do the liars at the BBC keep referring to her as "far right"? She strikes me as a centrist. 

The "liars" at the BBC - dear me,  you've been reading far too much Daily Wail....

Le Pen is somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan. But for a while now she has softened the rhetoric to try and fool the simple minded. However with French agriculture getting the most from the CAP,  some 18%, and with the most belligerant farmers in Europe I would say Frexit is unlikely.

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14 hours ago, hboy said:

The public sector in France exerts disproportionate influence and has built up an unbelievable sense of entitlement thanks to cheque writing in Brussels.

Marine Le Pen is absolutely in favour of the big state in France which is why she has such considerable support amongst those who work in the public sectors. On almost every economic issue she espouses very similar policies as the traditional left and the Communists. The FN enjoys considerable support amongst many former Communists. Her promise is to take France back to the comfortable world of 60s and the 70s. It's nonsense, obviously. But people like the sound of it.

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2 hours ago, fatshaft said:

Which probably says an awful lot about your views tbh. She's as right wing as they come, way over there beyond a UKIP right wing. 

Yes, it says that I'm better educated on political philosophy than whichever moron wrote that article for the BBC. She's not right wing, she's closer to left wing.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

The "liars" at the BBC - dear me,  you've been reading far too much Daily Wail....

Le Pen is somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan. But for a while now she has softened the rhetoric to try and fool the simple minded. However with French agriculture getting the most from the CAP,  some 18%, and with the most belligerant farmers in Europe I would say Frexit is unlikely.

Actually I don't read newspapers.

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Eh? She's pretty nationalistic, and not very centrist at all. Macron should walk this election now. 

Macron's policies are cutting public spending, shrinking the public sector, reduce MPs, increase police numbers. 

Le Pen's policies are French people first, extra taxes on foreign workers and imports, cutting immigration to 10,000 a year (utterly impossible), Frexit etc. 

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