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The Marine Le Pen thread


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2 minutes ago, llap said:

I categorically confirm that the Front National are left wing. I'd still vote for Le Pen though because she's for leaving the EU.

Please demonstrate that you are not a troll and give the link that says that Front National are left wing. I'm genuinely interested because everything I see and read defines them as right wing.

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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:

Please demonstrate that you are not a troll and give the link that says that Front National are left wing. I'm genuinely interested because everything I see and read defines them as right wing.

I did try to warn you.  "Debating" with llap is like trying to debate with woody2.

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4 hours ago, llap said:

French election: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen to fight for presidency - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39689385


And the propaganda continues. Why do the liars at the BBC keep referring to her as "far right"? She strikes me as a centrist. 


 If she genuinely strikes you as a centrist, I'm sorry for you, as you must lack any sense of political reality.  I assume that you are just being contrarian as usual.  The French courts have ruled that she is a Fascist, and fascism is usually described as being at the extreme right of the left/right political spectrum. 

The BBC aren't lying about it, they are just using the generally accepted left/centre/right shorthand, in common with nearly all narrators.  


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9 minutes ago, llap said:

I categorically confirm that the Front National are left wing. I'd still vote for Le Pen though because she's for leaving the EU.


It's utterly irrelevant whether ugly populism is relatively left wing or relatively right wing.

EU membership is written into the French constitution. As President she would have no power to change that. Marine Le Pen and the FN stand for the "gravy train" which you mentioned earlier in the thread. Also - polls consistently show that many FN voters are opposed to leaving the EU.


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