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The British


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I got thrown out of the British pub on north quay for simply winning on the gambler. Put 2 quid in, won a tenner.

The manager is lost in the head and isnt fit to run a pub.

Anyone else been thrown out of there for nothing? Write to the brewery to express your feelings.

I suggest everyone boycotts the place from now on.


J :-)

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And you complain when Breeze et al is associated with pill popping hoodie wearing teenagers.....


I associate dance music with namby pamby cockmongers for some reason too.

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I live near the Quay, so Railway/Bridge/British are always an option and never had any bad experience in there - in fact, I bought my car of the landlord at the British (nothing to do with me going there for a drink - he just had it parked outside all the time, and I just waited until the price came down enough..)


Oh..and I remember that we got quite a few Jackpots out of the machines in there as well, never had any trouble..


Myself: What exactly did you do in there that you got thrown out? Magnet? Drunk? Refill Key? And that it was bad enough to dedicate your first ever MF post to it? Details please, 'cause the same seem to be missing here... <_<

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The guy is a complete wankeer - I went to meet my sister one time on my lunch and she was with a guy he doesn't like so we all got thrown out.


I tried to explain that I was only here for lunch but he was just being a plick, so I told him so. My other friend was in there and the wankeer said to him that it wasn't me he an issue with....


Another occasion I went in and all was well, several times actually, then the last time I went in out of the Blue he says "Your bared I already told you", so he got a mouthful properly this time and I will never go there until he has left and actually feel like getting him booted out plick!!

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does anyone still go down the quay?

It still seems to be about the most popular starting off point at the weekends - especially the Bridge - and, of course, the Traf does pretty well, too!


Everytime i've popped my head round the quay it's been ok but not busy, People seem to hit the Outback then Victoria street these days and head northwards.

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