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Flybe nosedives on profits warning

Andy Onchan

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On 11/22/2018 at 6:39 PM, Non-Believer said:

And now Virgin Atlantic in early talks to take over Flybe (Sky News). Surprise, surprise, it's all about acquiring Flybe's Heathrow slots apparently.

Except, they do not own the heathrow slots, they belong to BA who are required to make them available to competitors for certain routes as part of takeover of BMI several years ago. Virgin used them for a while for its little red operation

Edited by ellanvannin2010
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1 minute ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Except, they do not own the heathrow slots, they belong to BA who are required to make them available to competitors for certain routes as part of takeover of BMI several years ago. Virgen used them for a while for its little red operation

Hmmmm yes... the little red operation. That didn't go too well for Virgin did it? Slots aside, why do Virgin think that they can make an operational success out of Flybe when they failed to do it first time around?

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1 hour ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Except, they do not own the heathrow slots, they belong to BA who are required to make them available to competitors for certain routes as part of takeover of BMI several years ago. Virgin used them for a while for its little red operation

That's not in dispute, but they are highly prized, hence the scramble for them whenever they become "available".

At the end of the day the slot can be used for anything. A small regional aircraft. Or something with much greater profit viability (for the airline). Like a 747 or 380.

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5 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

That's not in dispute, but they are highly prized, hence the scramble for them whenever they become "available".

At the end of the day the slot can be used for anything. A small regional aircraft. Or something with much greater profit viability (for the airline). Like a 747 or 380.

No they can't ... these ex-BMI slots are ring fenced for domestic fllights.

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  • 1 month later...

So, the flybe name is to disappear, the company is being taken over by Virgin Atlantic and Stobart.

What this means for IoM services isn’t clear. Presumably there will be some rationalisation. Will the services still be operated by Stobart aircraft? They were due to drop out of the picture.

Virgin Atlantic isn’t exactly financially in best health, recent losses, and it’s last attempts at a domestic feeder network ( Little Red ) doesn’t inspire confidence. Stobart, born out of troubled Aer Arran, also faces financial stress in developing its Southend services following the end of its flybe franchising.

It looks as if Stobart is putting its entire operation into the new joint venture, so presumably we are going to get planes under Virgin Atlantic name and livery?

Presumably Virgin want to use the flybe routes and slots as feeders. Chance of a return to Heathrow where flybe has ringfenced domestic slots, ironically some from the failed little red operation.



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  • 2 weeks later...

.........just thought I'd share.......I used to work for a chap nicknamed , 'the flopper', because he was very religious and instead of swearing he always used the word, 'flop'...........It was hilarious listening to him flopping this and flopping that when one of the wagons had a problem........;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, DragonS said:

It took the DOI over three years to deal with long queues at security :mellow:

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The other Day, after much delay, bought a cabin friendly wheely baggage, only to find, when looking MR web news, the same evening, that Flybe have changed their dimensions for these bags. The one I bought is a few centimeters bigger than the new dimensions!!!

Is this a consequence of the take over by Virgin? or a cynical money raising exercise for Flybe to ask another £ 50 for putting these bags in the hold?

The new dimensions are.... 55 x 35 x 20 cms, just less that is normal!

MHKs to address that?

Full marks to TK Maxx for refunding on it.

Edited by Kopek
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