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Flybe nosedives on profits warning

Andy Onchan

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11 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Well done to the Isle of Man Bank, I have just had a text saying if I had paid for a journey with my debit or credit card to go onto their website and they would assist me in making a claim.   Now that is what I call a service :rolleyes:   We’ll done.I am referring to Flybe bookings.

Yes, me too. Along with a similar message from RBS in the UK.

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18 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

There is a flybe plane at the airport.

Belongs to Stobart but flies in Flybe colours.

That raises the interesting point re Flybe franchisees and wet lease operations.

There are Stobart, Eastern and Blue Island.

Blue Island have their own booking system. Not sure about the other two.

So even if Flybe going down doesn’t kill them, with money owed for operating the flights, they maybe can’t operate because they can’t take bookings.

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46 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I see the patient transfer contingency plan is book it yourself and send us the receipt. 


So nothing on the Patient Transfer page. How many people use Twitter ? Also why is such a service “ closed for lunch” 13.00 - 14.00 ?

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22 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I wonder what, if anything, is owed in landing fees and charges?

Well, surely a prudent airport, given the known difficulties of Flybe, would have insisted that all landing fees were paid prior to the aircraft taking off again?

Edited by b4mbi
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I would really have liked this operation to have succeeded.

But when, in just under 12 months at being at the helm, they discover they need more money to pay government duty than they had budgeted for, then you do have to ask the question about how realistic their financial plans were in the first place.

Surely the whizkids from Cyrus Capital with their "professionals with skill sets including bankruptcy and restructuring, industry, legal, private equity, capital structure, derivatives, trading, and capital markets." had some idea of how an airline operates? Wouldn't you?

It beggars belief, to me at least.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

As far as I can tell from the odd tweet, Spake's series consists of him going round the world looking at planes, rather than staying at home looking after the Airport.  If it had been set at Ronaldsway we'd probably conclude that we'd be better off putting Goldie in charge.  At least the windows would be clean.


Oddly enough you appear to discovered the UK Gov's strategy.  But why should they change the habit of the last 50 years.

Edited to add: What's actually interesting is just how little immediate response there has been from Boris and his chums.  They don't seem very good in a crisis - even one foreseeable as this one.

It's OK. The Transport Minister has told the Commons that Flybe passengers can switch to trains.

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25 minutes ago, b4mbi said:

Ace. Let's buy it. :lol:

You probably could for not very much - 4 Dash 8s - job done.

It's been done to death but I'll say it again - the IOM Govt has been negligent for the past 20 years in not controlling air services, in a similar model to Aurigny in the Channel Islands, which are vital to all aspects of this Island's economy.

Arguably too late but nevertheless about time, it has stepped in to the IOMSP.  A community such as ours needs regular, timetabled services to suit the Island - not fit in with the vagaries of an orange airlines which tag a flight onto its schedule to the Island - but only when it suits or feels like it.

The 'Open Skies' policy or CGATITD (Couldn't Give a Toss Too Difficult) has been a disaster and the Fat Girl, her predecessors and previous ministers will continue to pull their fat salaries and pensions.


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easyJet are offering to rebook Flybe passengers in the next month for just £65 additional fee.  So just about twice what you would have paid if you'd booked directly with them in the first place.  To be fair that also includes hold luggage if wanted and it's all flights.  The offer is presumably aimed more at those   

March is already pretty expensive on most Liverpool flights and quite a few are sold out.  Gatwick's less affected and still looks very quiet in April and May - and Liverpool is not much livelier .  Presumably COVID-19 is putting a lot of people off booking, so that might paradoxically lessen the effect on passengers, even though it partly caused the problem in the first place.

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