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An opportunity for the island...?


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The UK will not dump Gibraltar.

If it gets tough getting deals on other bigger matters it will.


The place is a shithole anyway and the Spanish can make it virtually inoperable with a hard border. They'll just keep on making it even harder to live in Spain and work in Gibraltar.


There's no other work. They would just be shafting their own people. A lot of ill informed nonsense on this thread about the situation between Spain, UK, Gibraltar and the EU. Spain has a lot to lose by being difficult with the UK. True, they would like Gibraltar back, but they know that isn't going to happen. It's been British for longer than it was Spanish and the Llanitos are entitled to self determination. There are other Spanish interests with the UK to consider and they will trump Gib, emotive though that issue is.

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The UK will not dump Gibraltar.

For strategic and military purposes if no other reason. He who possesses Gib monitors and can control much of what enters and exits the Med. Which is why people have fought over it for centuries.

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The UK will not dump Gibraltar.

For strategic and military purposes if no other reason. He who possesses Gib monitors and can control much of what enters and exits the Med. Which is why people have fought over it for centuries.

96% of them voted to remain in the EU. They may well tell the UK to piss off yet. The UK has really sold them out on Brexit. If Gibs future is in the EU it would be better doing a deal with Spain now and it would end up still inside - which is what 96% of the residents voted for in the first place.

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The UK will not dump Gibraltar.

For strategic and military purposes if no other reason. He who possesses Gib monitors and can control much of what enters and exits the Med. Which is why people have fought over it for centuries.

96% of them voted to remain in the EU. They may well tell the UK to piss off yet. The UK has really sold them out on Brexit. If Gibs future is in the EU it would be better doing a deal with Spain now and it would end up still inside - which is what 96% of the residents voted for in the first place.


and 99% choose to stay with the uk eurotard....

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Both of you are arguing something that no one actually knows the answer to. Yes, 99% voted to stay connected to the UK but that was before the UK voted to leave the EU. No one truly knows whether that decision would affect the feelings of those 99%. It may have no effect whatsoever, or it may have a significant effect. You two bickering like a pair of old fishwives is pointless. Probably won't stop you doing so though.

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Professor Norman St John Bates constitutional expert and former Clerk of Tynwald is on Sunday Opinion and some of the things he is saying and has said today mirror my earlier post viz a viz the Island's dodgy position consequent upon Brexit and recent UK reiteration that the International Identity Document signed between UK and Isle of Man very much places the UK's interests first...It is not only Gibraltar potentially on the block..

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Both of you are arguing something that no one actually knows the answer to. Yes, 99% voted to stay connected to the UK but that was before the UK voted to leave the EU. No one truly knows whether that decision would affect the feelings of those 99%. It may have no effect whatsoever, or it may have a significant effect. You two bickering like a pair of old fishwives is pointless. Probably won't stop you doing so though.

which is why i said give them another vote and ni.....

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Spain is going to be the UK's biggest pain in the ass during Brexit negotiations IMO, able to veto parts of any deals etc. They will likely make the UK pay dearly for hanging onto Gibraltar.

The UK will end up dumping Gibraltar if it gets to that. Just as it will dump our interests if they start cutting across them getting trade deals etc from EU States. They've been out manovered already to the point that they may lose a colony they've had for nearly 300 years. Just wait until the real fun starts. Still it's what they all wanted; they're really going t show Europe who's boss! When they're finished England & Wales is going to be such a dominant global force!

This hatred of all things British is strange. Is there any specific reason for it?

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Spain is going to be the UK's biggest pain in the ass during Brexit negotiations IMO, able to veto parts of any deals etc. They will likely make the UK pay dearly for hanging onto Gibraltar.

The UK will end up dumping Gibraltar if it gets to that. Just as it will dump our interests if they start cutting across them getting trade deals etc from EU States. They've been out manovered already to the point that they may lose a colony they've had for nearly 300 years. Just wait until the real fun starts. Still it's what they all wanted; they're really going t show Europe who's boss! When they're finished England & Wales is going to be such a dominant global force!
This hatred of all this British is strange. Is there any specific reason for it?

I would have thought that for most proper Manx people they would regard themselves of Norse / Celt origin and not of British origin so why does it surprise you? We didn't even get a vote on Brexit. Yet here is Gibraltar, a country that voted 96% to stay in the EU in the EU referendum, getting potentially shafted because the largely racist Little Englander's voted against their preferred choice.


There's not much fair in that is there?


If it ever comes to the UK dumping us because we provide added baggage to a future trade deal rest assured it will do it in the blink of an eye. We had no vote on this and yet we have to live with the full consequences of what the UK (not people in the IOM) voted for. As we can already see with Gibraltar it isn't really panning out that well for those who were allowed to vote is it? And we didn't even get that. If the Jocks get their way the new global powerhouse will be England and Wales. Quite sad really. It's a political suicide vest and they've already pressed the detonator which will blow themselves up.

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Only problem with that is the welsh can't stand the english either

No, and it's a UK grant funded economy also.


they are all funded by england....


i would rather the uk walked away from the eu now, £100bn better off and no 2 years+ of eurotard rubbish......

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Only problem with that is the welsh can't stand the english either

No, and it's a UK grant funded economy also.

they are all funded by england....


i would rather the uk walked away from the eu now, £100bn better off and no 2 years+ of eurotard rubbish......

I'm sure the nurse will be along in a minute to administer your Brexit mescaline.


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