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An opportunity for the island...?


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Yawn after all is said and done we'll be in the same position as Iceland or Norway or any of the other countries that aren't in the EU. It's not a big deal compared to the growing insidious menace corrupting society and turning it rotten.


Stand tall, stand proud and let's sally forth with our defiance across Europe, bringing peace and prosperity back to those downtrodden masses who have seen their sovereignty and cultures eroded.


We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger. We move forward as one people: the British citizens of the new British Empire. We will prevail. A thousand years of peace begins with Brexit.


Ten points if you get where I bastardized those speeches from

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Yawn after all is said and done we'll be in the same position as Iceland or Norway or any of the other countries that aren't in the EU. It's not a big deal compared to the growing insidious menace corrupting society and turning it rotten.

Economic powerhouses both of them! At least Norway has its multi billion sovereign wealth fund to spend its petro dollars globally. The Isle of Man has ... well ... err ... the Laxey Wheel ... it will be fine ... because we'll be like Iceland or Norway. Without being like either Iceland or Norway.

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Yawn after all is said and done we'll be in the same position as Iceland or Norway or any of the other countries that aren't in the EU. It's not a big deal compared to the growing insidious menace corrupting society and turning it rotten.

Economic powerhouses both of them! At least Norway has its multi billion sovereign wealth fund to spend its petro dollars globally. The Isle of Man has ... well ... err ... the Laxey Wheel ... it will be fine ... because we'll be like Iceland or Norway. Without being like either Iceland or Norway.


No problem. The Isle of Man is British and therefore blessed.

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Yawn after all is said and done we'll be in the same position as Iceland or Norway or any of the other countries that aren't in the EU. It's not a big deal compared to the growing insidious menace corrupting society and turning it rotten.


Economic powerhouses both of them! At least Norway has its multi billion sovereign wealth fund to spend its petro dollars globally. The Isle of Man has ... well ... err ... the Laxey Wheel ... it will be fine ... because we'll be like Iceland or Norway. Without being like either Iceland or Norway.

No problem. The Isle of Man is British and therefore blessed.

You are clearly running out of actual facts to support your jingoistic Brexit views. Just like every other Brexit supporter.

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Hand it over to Spain. Hand this place over to Ireland. Bob's your uncle & Fanny's your aunt.



You could hand this place over to either Ireland or Scotland. According to Welsh Legions, all Three Manx, Irish and Scottish were of the Same Invaders who came to the British Isles and settled where now is Ireland, Scotland and Isle of Mann.




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Only problem with that is the welsh can't stand the english either

No, and it's a UK grant funded economy also.

they are all funded by england....


i would rather the uk walked away from the eu now, £100bn better off and no 2 years+ of eurotard rubbish......

I'm sure the nurse will be along in a minute to administer your Brexit mescaline.



just facts......

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