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sarin gas attack in syria

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Seems a bit of a counter intuitive thing to do really. To invite this level of public condemnation while also trying to appeal to citizens of the west that that he is in the right and that their forces are invading. Assad must be really really stupid and naughty and evil man. I know this because the daily mail told me. And their source- the syrian observatory for human rights- consisting of one man in a flat in the west midlands of all places, is impeccable. Once the SOHR states something, the mainstream media are free to repeat it without checking even. One man in a flat in the west midlands. It's pretty insulting really but we will lap it up. Must be quite a high block of flats the syrian observatory for human rights one member of staff lives in


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If we hadn't done anything based on what's previously gone on, we're not going to do anything based on this.


I mean, a quick google brings up numerous other chemical attacks.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghouta_chemical_attack being a really good example one from 2013.


"How could we let this happen, isn't the UN meant to step in?" people cry, but the UN is nothing without a willing US behind it, and it's not going to play nice with the UN for a long time after their condemnations over Iraq.

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Swallow what, that there was a gas attack? I've no doubt gas has been used on both sides. It's an efficient and deadly way to kill lots of people in an area and doesn't discriminate on political affiliation or anything.


The Daily Mail specifically denied the Ghouta attack too back in 2013 too, but the evidence is there. I'm not sure what your point is?

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I think it is clear there was poison gas, but was it from a Syrian government aircraft, a Syrian government shell, an opposition chemical weapon's factory or what.


The truth is so masked behind lies and interests it is impossible to know.


What we can know is that Syria is a brutal place where hundreds of thousands have died caught between a regime which tortures, practices starvation and attacks hospitals, and zealots who will brutalize and enslave. With the great powers and their proxies adding to the misery.


Pity the nation.

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This shows signs of near desperation by the global parasitical class to get western boots on the ground in Syria, can they at least not try a fresh style of false flag...Call Assad what you like but he is no idiot.


You should of added "AGAIN!!" to the thread title...

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Stinky a bit ago you were castigating us for not caring for deaths in the Middle East. Just wondering how many of the children reported killed in SHRO you think were made up?


SHRO is flawed, just like Iraq Body Count is flawed, but the are telling us something real.

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Holy, personalization Batman. Assad isn't personally going around doing it all himself, Stinky.


He controls a regime which is engaged in a barbaric no holds barred fight to the death.


Morality has been abandoned by the combatants in Syria - there is huge evidence of a deliberate Kneel or Starve campaign targeting civilians and hospitals.


Assad has given his country over to thugs, torturers, people who have no qualms attacking hospitals and bringing starvation to those who oppose them.


Why do these people behave like this - because the world they have created is the worst dog eat dog world where those who oppose these thugs would likely treat them exactly the same way.


Why would some colonel in the airforce order his pilots to bomb a hospital, or some intelligence chief build a torture dungeon where finger-nails and eyes and fingers are part of the detritus washed from the floor along with the bodies of those who succumb.


You can personalize this and ask why would Assad bomb a hospital, why would Assad torture a teenager, why would Assad starve civilians.


Is a member of his regime using a chemical weapon so unusual in an environment dominated by people desensitised to such barbarity.


It has happened multiple times on all sides in this conflict.


Maybe it wasn't someone from Assad's regime, maybe it was an Al Qaeda lab, but quite simply all sides in this tragedy are capable of this sort of behaviour. Do you really doubt that?

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