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sarin gas attack in syria

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A lot of articles say that the American Military "believe" that Assad forces carried out the attack, and that they "believe" that the airfield they attacked was a chemical weapons deployment area.


Is this like the concrete proof they had last time and refused to show anyone?

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A cruise missile strike makes things better?

Was the sarcasm too subtle?



Well, he has sent Assad and his Russian backers a somewhat unsubtle letter of intent.


They, like me, probably think he's an unstable egomaniac. Could be no bad thing in a way...

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Well, he has sent Assad and his Russian backers a somewhat unsubtle letter of intent.

They, like me, probably think he's an unstable egomaniac.

I'm struggling to remember how the possessive works grammatically - ie who is a Russian backed unstable egomaniac?

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Well if Russia forces were killed, injured in the attack...


Once again America has attacked a sovereign nation in an unprovoked attack, without Security Council backing and potentially kick starting WW3...


Seeing as America hasn't won a war since....the War of Independence, you'd think they would learn.

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In all the time the coalition have been conducting airstrikes over syria, to my knowledge no plane has been shot down by the assad regime. Probably on the advice of the russkies so as not to give an excuse for "retaliatory" strikes. Even when the us broke the ceasefire by bombing and killing 100 or so syrian army troops. So after displaying such restraint then assad goes and spoils it all by using chemical weapons on his own civilians just at the point where he was winning. Makes perfect sense

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