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sarin gas attack in syria

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Sorry, that was shitty point scoring by me.


Four years ago they made a decision; the Western world chose to use diplomacy over force and enter into an agreement with Russia and Syria that required the Assad regime to destroy all chemical weapons in its possession, including sarin. And that decision was seemingly the correct one after Ghouta.
Yesterday the US made a decision - they chose to use military force against the Assad regime after chemical weapons were used against civilians in Syria. And that decision was the correct one, as diplomacy has failed to resolve the conflict.
There isn't an easy fix to what is happening in Syria. There is no end in sight to the civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions. There is no approach that won't end in thousands more civilian casualties. But sitting idly by while hundreds of thousands more innocent lives are taken and millions more are displaced is the wrong call. This is a large human tragedy, and our Western world values require action.
There are no easy choices, but the West should not align itself with Russia and allow the Assad regime to remain in power once this war ends. Not after what they've done. That doesn't mean aligning with the rebels either, as funding the rebels will just funnel the weaponry into hostile hands.
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Well if Russia forces were killed, injured in the attack...


Once again America has attacked a sovereign nation in an unprovoked attack, without Security Council backing and potentially kick starting WW3...


Seeing as America hasn't won a war since....the War of Independence, you'd think they would learn.


The Russians were warned about the strike before it happened, and it targetted a non Russian part of the base, according to ... shit, I've closed the tab. I'll find it again.

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This is really bad, I like Russia but I don't want to live there & now we're about to fall out with them and all before Ive been there on holiday. Could the Isle of Man government give Putin a call and tell him "We're not like England & America, we're nice."?


I don't know much, mostly I bury my head in the sand but could this be really really serious?

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Russians will have been notified and told to get the hell out of there. That's the way it works. The official version of events does seem odd from Assad's point of view. It would make no sense for him to undertake the use of chemical weapons when, as others have mentioned, things were going his way with the Russians at his side. It would be counterproductive for him.


So what is going on? There are all kinds of plausible conspiracy theories. The way the attack activated, I think we can discount the Russian version that the regime attacked a rebel weapon dump on the ground and released the agent. It appears that it was definitely dropped from the air, so who has a motive and the means to do that? Not the regime it would seem and not becasue I doubt Assad's capacity to kill his own people by whatever means if it suited his purpose. In this instance it just does not seem to do so. Not the rebels or ISIS because they don't have the capability. Not the Russians because they don't need to do so.


I don't particularly like conspiracy theories at all, but it does occur to me that there are powerful interests that have a lot to gain by eradicating Trump's enthusiasm for a rapprochement with Russia and his willingness to work with Putin. This episode does just that.

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A cruise missile strike makes things better?

Was the sarcasm too subtle?



Well, he has sent Assad and his Russian backers a somewhat unsubtle letter of intent.


They, like me, probably think he's an unstable egomaniac. Could be no bad thing in a way...




If Trump has sent his letter to the right people, that is. I haven't heard anything yet to convince me that the Syrian Government did the chemical attack. If he sent the letter to the wrong people, then those that really did it have a convincing reason to do it again, assuming they are anti-Assad.


We will see.

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No, it is Stinky's distaste of the Jewish state.


Given that Assad has weaponized Hizbollah I can understand Israel's nervousness. There are lots of people who would just love a Sarin strike on a Kibbutz or North Israeli town.

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