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sarin gas attack in syria

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I'm certainly not one of them chinahand

I totally accept that and would wish to make it quite clear I wasn't implying you were - apologies if that is what I seemed to be saying. It wasn't.


That doesn't change the reality that there are many groups that are actively working to target such weapons at Israel - state and non-state.


i'm no fan of Bibi but can understand any Israeli prime minister being glad about the US making a statement to the likes of Syria, Iran and Hezbollah that the US does have genuine red lines on such weapons.

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The US put out the tracking records of the raid, probably from their satellite assets. So they know which airfield they originated from.


The Russian response is interesting. They claim it was a raid on a munitions dump that had items like Sarin stored there. So they are not going to dispute the reason for all the deaths. But collateral damage? Don't think so.


Sure the ultimate responsibility lies with Assad but we do not know how far up the command chain the munitions used are authorised i.e. it could be just some zealot and there's enough of them on all sides. However I can't see how the Russkies on the base didn't know about it.


However, the US message is clear about where the tripwire lies....

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Must have made for interesting conversation over desert...


Missiles were launched during Donald Trumps dinner with Chinese president Xi Jinping, White House press secretary Sean Spicer has told reporters.


At a quick briefing in south Florida, Spicer gave some details of the timeline to those strikes, and how they relate to Trumps policy. The press pool reports:


Trump first heard about the gas attack in Syria at his Presidents Daily Briefing Tuesday at about 10.30am. He asked questions and his team for a range of options. There was another meeting at 8pm Tuesday at the White House on options and again Wednesday morning with restricted principals.


Trump met again 3pm Wednesday and decided to reconvene Thursday for a decision. On route to Florida on Thursday, at about 1.30pm, he spoke through secured video conference with his team and again at 4p. with [secretary of state] Rex Tillerson and others in a secure room in Palm Beach.


Thats when the president gave the OK to move ahead.


Missiles were launched at 7:40 p.m. during dinner.

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I suspect the Chinese think it rude to have to share the limelight with the US taking out a sovereign state's WMD. Too many allusions to Fatty. They wanted Xi Jinping on the front page. They didn't get it.

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Of course Netanyahu is happy bombs are being dropped on Syria. He doesn't give a fuck who it is that is getting bombed, just as long as they're mostly Arab.

I disagree. I think it's against Israel's strategic interests for the US to be in the area or for Assad to go. The major Israeli military experts were against The Iraq invasion too. People think the US is good for Israel but the alliance between the two really hasn't existed for that long and it was previously hostile toward Israel. In many ways they still are. There's every possibility Israel will shift back to being aligned with Russia.

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So many countries who were against Trump are coming out in support of these strikes to stop gas attacks - I think the US has full proof and has given it to it's allies, and that's what we're seeing here. Some Syrian lunatic used chemical weapons and now they know where the line is.


Whether they continue to push that line is another question

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