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NHS Cyber attacks


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27 minutes ago, kevster said:

A lot of NHS desktops are still running Win XP

Some of my (daft) users on XP have been locked out and have blamed my software!

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2 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Some of my (daft) users on XP have been locked out and have blamed my software!

So you're saying they are daft for buying from you?

That's one of the most self-effacing posts I've ever read on here.

Well done!

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2 hours ago, Tarne said:

Hah. My favourite vulnerability was the SSL Heartbleed problem of a few years back. The whole PCI DSS industry was shown to be utterly useless, and yet is still around. So many billions wasted on fake security, and will continue to be wasted. It's a good racket if you can get into it.

You'll have to fill me in on the leap between Heartbleed being discovered and PCI DSS being useless :)

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15 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So you're saying they are daft for buying from you?

That's one of the most self-effacing posts I've ever read on here.

Well done!

It's free for hobby users. Only hardened pros have to pay...

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10 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I'd put good money on this not being targeted at the NHS. Someone's just weaponized one of the things in the Shadow Brokers leaks, MS17-010, and wrapped it in a worm.

Yes, seems that's what happened. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/12/spain_ransomware_outbreak/

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MS have released a patch for Windows XP fixing the vulnaribility, although it has been out of support since 2014.

In my experience, UK Central Government was particularly bad at keeping OS up to date. There was a culture of testing every patch extensively in a sandpit environment before applying it to live systems, and complete regression testing of all applications for a new OS release. All very gold standard, but not if it means your OS goes out of support and as a result you aren't automatically receiving security fixes, not so good.

I didn't work in the NHS.

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