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Manx Justice


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Whats going on in the Manx Courts, is the secret hand shake at work or what.


A couple of weeks ago a man gets 5 years for the murder of his wife which has left two kids without their mother. This week the courts have sent a man down for 8 years for attacking a nuisance neighbour with an axe which resulted in several stiches being required.

Then we have the Douglas town Coucellor who is many times over the Drink drive limit and gets the min ban and fine.

And over the past few years the courts have sent down single mothers for deception on the DHSS over a few pounds, just to keep her kids, what will happen to the major fiddlers with connections that have still to appear in court, probally a slap on the wrist

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yep, there's so many examples of this, you just don't know what's happening; there was another one I saw the other week where a 20 year old got pulled in Jaks or somewhere with one ecstasy tablet back in october or something like that and has made something like three appearances in court and still hasn't been sentenced yet. God knows how much this is costing the taxpayers....

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Well i know of a few coppers son's and grandson's that got away with dealing drugs not even a slapped wrist lol


5 years for murder that must be hell for the womans parents i really feel sorry for them because there the ones that have to pick up the pieces bit like the woman that got killed on the motorbike.


Best form of justice is your own form.

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Whats going on in the Manx Courts



Exactly the same kind of things that are happening throughout Britain... people being given slap-on-the-wrist sentences for heinous crimes whilst people who've acted in defence of their own person or their own property get the severest sentences available.

The justice system in the Isle of Man is no worse than any of our immediate neighbours and a good deal better than many other so-called civilized countries.

As for the cases mentioned, I think they have to judged on individual merit because it is impossible to make a direct comparison between them unless the circumstances are exactly the same.

Making judgements based purely on what is reported in the same newspapers and on the same radio stations that so many posters criticise, is ridiculous. While we may not always be satisfied with the sentences handed out to those found guilty of crimes, it is as well to remember that those who pass sentence have listened to all the details of the case - details which are not available to those who did not attend the proceedings.

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Whats going on in the Manx Courts



Exactly the same kind of things that are happening throughout Britain... people being given slap-on-the-wrist sentences for heinous crimes whilst people who've acted in defence of their own person or their own property get the severest sentences available.

The justice system in the Isle of Man is no worse than any of our immediate neighbours and a good deal better than many other so-called civilized countries.

As for the cases mentioned, I think they have to judged on individual merit because it is impossible to make a direct comparison between them unless the circumstances are exactly the same.

Making judgements based purely on what is reported in the same newspapers and on the same radio stations that so many posters criticise, is ridiculous. While we may not always be satisfied with the sentences handed out to those found guilty of crimes, it is as well to remember that those who pass sentence have listened to all the details of the case - details which are not available to those who did not attend the proceedings.


So maybe if he chopped the other blokes head off he may have got only f5 years

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Pointing out the iniquities and failures of the government is an admirable thing to do in my opinion. Even more admirable is being one of those rare people who dare to challenge the existing system by standing up for your rights. I have no quarrel whatsoever with either and have a good deal of respect for those who do so.

That does not mean, however, that using every news item to berate the island is acceptable. That's the sort of thing we normally leave to someone like Rog!

In this case - judging only by what we've learned from the media - I would suggest that neither sentence was anywhere near long enough.

But that, like your own, is nothing more than an ill-informed opinion founded on inadequate information and my own particular feelings.

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Which crime was the greater, murder or assault. Life for a life.


In the courts only giving this man 5 years for the murder of his wife sets an example.

If would be cheaper for Joe Bloggs to murder his wife and get five years instead of paying out for the rest of his life, he may also get the chance to see his kids when released something that an ex wife could stop

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What I tried to point out was that we shouldn't make judgements based on incomplete information.

If we take the case of Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who shot a burglar while defending his property, we see another side of the coin. Again, he took a life - and possibly intended to do so - but he was sentenced to 5 years for manslaughter and was released after serving two-thirds of it and most people thought that his sentence was unnecessarily harsh.

There are degrees of guilt/complicity in all crimes and courts have to make judgements on the individual case - not on comparisons with other similar(?) ones.

Personally, I think the man who killed his wife is probably less of a danger to the public at large than someone who attacks his neighbour with an axe because he's been kept awake by noise - but that's just a personal opinion.

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Whats going on in the Manx Courts, is the secret hand shake at work or what.



. . . . . the ones that have to pick up the pieces bit like the woman that got killed on the motorbike.


And yes, he is a freemason.

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Well that explains a lot nipper m8, people these days have no feelings i know if it was me i couldnt live with myself, whats going on with the world nobody wants to be responsable for there actions, it will come back on them, no good comes from bad.


Years ago i was proud to be manx now i cannot stand the place, corruption and greed have tarnished this place.

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What I tried to point out was that we shouldn't make judgements based on incomplete information.

If we take the case of Tony Martin, the Norfolk farmer who shot a burglar while defending his property, we see another side of the coin.  Again, he took a life - and possibly intended to do so - but he was sentenced to 5 years for manslaughter and was released after serving two-thirds of it and most people thought that his sentence was unnecessarily harsh.


I'm not one but there’s more than a few who know the man who think that although the sentence on his victim was about right, his own sentence was if anything remarkably lenient.

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A couple of weeks ago a man gets 5 years for the murder of his wife which has left two kids without their mother.

He got 5 years for the Manslaughter of his wife, not murder, which is a lesser offence as he was judged to be of diminished responsibility. That was the opinion of the jury and sentencing refects that. I'm sure if he were judged to be guilty of murder then sentence would have been much more harsh.

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That does not mean, however, that using every news item to berate the island is acceptable.  That's the sort of thing we normally leave to someone like Rog!

I greatly resent that remark.


I feel I have done more than enough of that in the past to at least merit a mention.


Thank you.

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