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Explosion at Manchester Arena

Max Power

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11 hours ago, quilp said:

As you brought up the possible significance of '22'  in the bible, and just for balance, from the rather influential Koran... 

"... And for [striking] them are maces of iron." Sahih International 22:21.

"... So I prolonged the enjoyment for the disbelievers: then I seized them, and how [terrible] was my reproach." Surah Al-Haj [22] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem.

And there are many more justifications for violence against the "disbelievers" and various punishments to be meted out thereof.

Just as there are in the bible, of course. But who reads the bible these days? 

I don't think these raghead muppets have any idea what/who is their objective is,this article goes some way to explain their warped minds.https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/

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13 hours ago, Gizo said:

If you love a good conspiracy 

Manchester 22.5.17

London 22.3.17

Munich 22.7.16

Brussels 22.3.16

Lee Rigby 22.5.13

As Llap is our resident theology-phobe, does 22 have any poignancy?  

Yes but if if you go down that rabbit hole, we'll be in satanic ritual sacrifice territory which would lead to them all being false flag ops by the intelligence services using MK ultra mind control victims as patsies. 

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11 minutes ago, woody2 said:

all that needs to happen now is corbyn the terrorist sympathiser to get into no.10......

It's interesting to remember that the conservative government, led by thatcher were doing deals with the IRA terrorists through intermediaries while claiming that the would not have any dealings with terrorists and assuring all that 'the terrorists will never win' .

To label Corbyn as a 'terrorist sympathiser'  is not strictly true , he condemned violence from all sides .

Many states are found on terrorism and former terrorists are then regarded by other politicians as statesmen ........ sadly 

Just saying

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4 minutes ago, paswt said:

It's interesting to remember that the conservative government, led by thatcher were doing deals with the IRA terrorists through intermediaries while claiming that the would not have any dealings with terrorists and assuring all that 'the terrorists will never win' .

To label Corbyn as a 'terrorist sympathiser'  is not strictly true , he condemned violence from all sides .

Many states are found on terrorism and former terrorists are then regarded by other politicians as statesmen ........ sadly 

Just saying

just won't say who he is talking about:rolleyes:

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53 minutes ago, llap said:

That'll never happen. The intelligence services would see to it.

But he's a Marxist's wet dream. Although the time isn't right for him at the minute but the next generation Corbyn will win by a landslide once the current electorate stopping him have died and left this planet. I'm hoping I'll have left this planet too by that time.

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My condolences to the victims of this disgusting and cowardly, murderous attack. There is no doubt that there is a problem within Islam, in that the extremist elements are in ascendance. That is because of the oil and the petro-dollar. In being aligned with the Saudis, we - or, rather, our governments - have made a deal with the devil. They have used their power, wealth and influence to spew their extremist ideology throughout the world. Of course, Islam was from the beginning a militant religion, in a way that it would be foolish to equate with religion in general. However, there were clear indications, with the Ottomans, and then in the nationalist movements of the 20th century that the Islamic world was very much moderate and leadership was primarily reformist in nature.  We can thank western governments for siding with the extremists and transforming them from a tiny little minority in Arabia to an international "brand". One last thing: if Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, hadn't personally pushed for the ousting of Gadaffi in Libya, would this Libyan have been a refugee in the UK in the first place? We need to get out of the Middle East. We need to have nothing to do with it. To paraphrase the drain the swamp quote: you don't conquer the Middle East, it conquers you. When our governments destabalised the region, they knew this would happen, and I can see, going forward, that things will get worse and worse. I predict, not with a crystal ball but by following their modus operandi, they will keep playing around with this obvious hornet's nest until we all come begging to Big Brother, the Nanny State, to come along and protect us, give up our rights and freedoms in the name of safety. Lessons are never learned. History continues to repeat itself. I think we may have already reached the point of no return and that all the pieces on the chess board are set to an inevitable Armageddon, a war to end all wars, a full clash between civilisation and barbarism. Then, out of the rubble, Big Brother will emerge and save us all with a new world order.

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10 minutes ago, Jefferson Davis said:

My condolences to the victims of this disgusting and cowardly, murderous attack. There is no doubt that there is a problem within Islam, in that the extremist elements are in ascendance. That is because of the oil and the petro-dollar. In being aligned with the Saudis, we - or, rather, our governments - have made a deal with the devil. They have used their power, wealth and influence to spew their extremist ideology throughout the world. Of course, Islam was from the beginning a militant religion, in a way that it would be foolish to equate with religion in general. However, there were clear indications, with the Ottomans, and then in the nationalist movements of the 20th century that the Islamic world was very much moderate and leadership was primarily reformist in nature.  We can thank western governments for siding with the extremists and transforming them from a tiny little minority in Arabia to an international "brand". One last thing: if Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, hadn't personally pushed for the ousting of Gadaffi in Libya, would this Libyan have been a refugee in the UK in the first place? We need to get out of the Middle East. We need to have nothing to do with it. To paraphrase the drain the swamp quote: you don't conquer the Middle East, it conquers you. When our governments destabalised the region, they knew this would happen, and I can see, going forward, that things will get worse and worse. I predict, not with a crystal ball but by following their modus operandi, they will keep playing around with this obvious hornet's nest until we all come begging to Big Brother, the Nanny State, to come along and protect us, give up our rights and freedoms in the name of safety. Lessons are never learned. History continues to repeat itself. I think we may have already reached the point of no return and that all the pieces on the chess board are set to an inevitable Armageddon, a war to end all wars, a full clash between civilisation and barbarism. Then, out of the rubble, Big Brother will emerge and save us all with a new world order.

he was born in the uk......

still want to know what his parents did to have to flee....

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